Fuck, shoulda let him keep goin. Hes just gonna make another name anyways…

I think I may actually get him to come out lol

That in english=???:wierd

nah cuz if he comes out hes just gonna get smacked and he knows that, it could be someone already from shift since the ip seems to be from a proxy server, and my guess is its someone from shift who is feeling a bit sore :smiley:

dude everyone knows what a proxy is ur killin me

bannnnaboy your a fag

your prolly like 12

hes gone already? i was getting good laughs out of it too…lol

Yea he was using a proxy

Fixed. :lol
And you’re only like 17… :Idiots

yea i kinda miss his bs posts actually, shoulda let him go for a bit more, he might of had something usual to say that would give away who he was

:beerhahahah sully shut up im almost 18 so thats pretty close haha

I wonder who it actually is though. Like you said, Im pretty sure its a butthurt member of Shift…

Shit, it might even be Brett fuckin around :lol

yeah adam, get with the program s0n

no not me. i dont have time for all that noise. plus the posts were made before i woke up :lol

:lol Touchee

i have my guesses :ninja

thanks for pointing out that your SS is a V8. you fail

O really? how did you get that??

seeing as they didnt make a 09 SS, nut bucket.

yeah isnt the 2010 the model year for the SS


Some idiot yelled something out of a red Taurus last night at the lot. Maybe that was him?

Maybe its Failvis?