band worth a watch and listen and they will be local tomorrow night.

Supposedly guitar solos aren’t “in” right now. I say most people can’t play them (like me). :slight_smile:

But that’s why we have a million types of music - something for everyone. (Token politically correct statement.)

are you honestly trying to say that emo and instrumental talent have anything to do with eachother? a tempo change has nothing to do with talent… emo sucks

its still all power chords and a 50’s train shuffle on the drums

lol I don’t hear power chords as where I would say it is all power chords


she took her pants back :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

do you play air guitar in wetgloves air drum band

no that is you my redhead stepchild

actually i have been playing guitar for about 10 years and i have been playing drums for about a year now none of them have involved air

and before you say it yes i wnat a cookie



no I was goin to ask if you need 35 cents to call someone that gives a shit