band worth a watch and listen and they will be local tomorrow night.

if anyone wants tickets let me know:

here are the lyrics to that song and others:

drummer is amazing and so are all the string guys. singer sounds good too

you are so emo its scary

looks like hyperfest

how is saosin emo? please explain before you talk of something you know nothing about. kthanks

edit: also please tell me any of the “punkrock” bands you listen to with anywhere near as much talent as those guys? COC, Misfits, etc are just noise. I also like the bands I watch to shower on a semi regular basis.

it’s OK, not bad not great.

whooa there sammy, dont go getting all emo on me i am just fuckin with ya, and would say that social d, pennywise , the transplants, guttermouth,mad caddies,rise against, have more talent than those guys

lol no they are noise

sam, i was just messing around as well… however,

notice the emoness

  1. singing/yelling/screaming downward with the emo look of pain is always a good start

  2. all dark formatting for the forums is a good sign.

  3. the emo is just mind-boggling

  4. hosted off a cable modem account = low key / home made = emo


lemme listen and make a judgement that matters :slight_smile:

after watching

how aren’t they emo?
they sounds sorta hardcore… but the dudes voice is def emoish
also the out of key harmony’s is a proven sign

they aren’t terrible… i’m no music buff though.

rise against rules.

All these young whippersnappers sound the same.

Back in my day when you started out a song real heavy you kept it up when the vocals started. I must be getting old. This new music isn’t, ummm… hard enough… What the…??? That doesn’t make any sense!

that is cause they never changed tempo which means they just played the same 8 cords the entire song. you could teach a monkey to do that

true, buty i dont see any monkeys wearing girl pants…


lol what does hardcore take to make? NOISE that is it.

a distrubed individual with hatred and a loud voice?

they aren’t loud they just yell anyone can be loud in a mic.

no… you know what i’m talking about… the ‘growl’ type yelling they do…

go metallica, but lars is still a bitch. lol

what does emo take to make? some kid who had only 1 piece of ass his entire life, the bitch dumps him, takes her pants back off him, and he gets all sappy about it and writes a song instead of slitting his wrists and making the world a better place…


it all comes down to instrumental talent. hardcore don’t take shit cause you act like an idiot on stage and no one can tell if you fuck up cause it all sounds like noise anyway.

the song in the video I posted has over 5 tempo changes as well as some of the best drum fills I have ever heard