Banned from RPSEED

They were funny asshole. :mwahaha

never said they weren’t

Donations are not required but are always welcome ;D

Will do my best not to let that happen :ninja

There are plenty of things I didn’t like about Rspeed which is part of the reason I started this.

  • I hated the jungle of subforums
  • the pay to post ruling pretty much
  • the “national” status of the board, and local comments frowned upon
  • constant editing of everybody’s posts
  • Hippocracy, where not everybody was equal and some people were preffered
  • the nazi moderation
  • not enough local coverage

I thought I could do a better job, and I am damn sure planning on it. I’m not going global, im very open minded, and this is just the forum… for the local scene, if you read this and you’re offended by what members say on here, then get out of the scene, because these are the same people you will see on the meets/shows/hangout spots.

The only moderation I like to have is of my own moderators and staff members, because they are representatives of Shift518 weither they like it or not, so personal attacks from them to members and direct swearing and humiliation will not fly in my book (with the possible exception of Battlefield)

Mike has his priorities somewhere else, he’s no longer local, hes got 20 other things going on, and he’s pissing people off left and right, myself included (drama with him protesting me posting the meet on his site, when me (MeanDesigns) and JVG are both very well paying customers of his (we had sites build).

Which is commendable. However, having a REAL business (Or one you would like to be) and applying the rules unfairly on top of adding in fractions to your staff is just plain retarded.

You fools are all lucky I didn’t “buy” my moderation status or I’d ban you all#($# :banana

One of the best posts (if not the best) you have ever made. Congrats for you going forward and starting Shift518.

mainly what i didnt like about rspeed was the “pay to play”, the favoritism of people from Rochester…now if one of mike’s buddies did what shawnvr-4 did nothing would happen, and how there are just SO many different sub forums, the “shout box”, and the home page how theres like 20 featured articles.

yeah Shift 518 was an awesome idea, and is way better for the local car people :banana

I havn’t been on that site alot at all lately. Everytime Ide go there all I would see were more threads about somone making a suggestion about the site and the admin flipping shit. Gay.

The whole idea behind Shift518, is if I can survive, I’ll improve the scene, and in return it will make the paper stronger, returning back to the scene. If I don’t, then there is no hope for the scene. How good the paper does directly relates to how strong the scene is here, since they are directly connected.

I remember the days when everybody was out and about, usual hang out spots, weekly chill and grills, cruises, shows, get togethers, etc… and it was gone lately.

Since nobody else was bringing it back, and I wanted it back, I took it upon myself to do so, which is why there is a season opener get together, chill and grill, another photoshoot, and a cruise all planned just to open the season. Me and JVG will try to have as many joint events as possible.

Thank you Shawn.

I don’t believe in forcing people to pay, or forcing your goods on anybody. This is a free market economy, and if you got a good product to offer, somebody will buy it, there is no reason to push it. With the way we are growing, we should have no problem having volume of traffic, and members to buy any products we offer. And if people are not buying its not a problem with members but rather with the product and we should improve it.

Obviously running all of this isn’t free and so far everything is being paid for out of my own pocket. I don’t mind, I chose this, nobody forced it on me. I enjoy doing this and if I can keep running this and break even, I will gladly do it.

As of next season, we will offer some basic items, like stickers, clothing, and SnapSHOTS service and coverage to try to generate some revenue. I’m going to keep the paper free for as long as possible, and won’t consider any cost on it, unless it’s the weapon of last resort.

Got some suprizes for next year though, for the scene and the paper so stay tuned :ninja

sweet i look forward to all the future events, photoshoots, and cruises

Hey people. I’m just a mod of the motorsports forum over there since it was easier to do it that way than to have Mike redo and change all my motorsports DIY and sticky threads when he reloaded the site. No one posts in motorsport so I haven’t had the pleasure of banning anyone. Really looking forward to it tho, it looks like fun. I’m not all that interested in the rest of the message the site puts out so I dont venture much out of the motorsports threads unless its hilarious which it often is. Shawn’s ban thread was so funny it got ME an 5 point penalty infraction or something! :banana

I originally made the stickies and other big threads for rspeed and another forum when Mike wanted to attract attention to it, but no one ever seemed to used them so I stopped bothering to post them there.


I think your underlying point is you and I are on forums for 2 reasons: technical information or hilarious drama. You cant really have both. We wouldn’t act like jackasses if there was technical information to learn from or share with others. Tom would be a different person than you all know him! :lol

If it’s just hilarious drama, its really not a big deal in getting banned since I’m really not losing all that much. (you guys need a shrug smilie)

We can all play nicely, I think.



werd, the local scene is too small to be dicks to each other.

True, true, still fun to pick on each others car though. You guys have to understand it’s 50% joking and 50% boredom. No hard feelings though just fun, like ford verse chevy back in the day.

^^^ Exactly :nod

Though remember you are still in upstate NY, the Ford vs. Chevy thing is still strong in the rural areas, its hilarious

I know, i’m from halfmoon originally, try being the only person with an import. :wow

Exactly what I mean with the whole German car thing people need to relax

Oh and shawnVR-4 spelled Rspeed wrong :lol

I had a 12 hour work day. GIve me a break. :slight_smile:

You’ve got too much of a hard on for hondas man. :nono :lol