Banned from RPSEED

I really don’t that’s just my daily driver and it happens to be fast and better on gas than my trans am

I hate all cars equally :tong

Good outlook. :lol

Wait wait wait, some of you DONT already know that German cars are way better?

wasn’t it just last month that 1stgen’s awesomeness of german engineering broke down and was being pushed across a parking lot? :mwahaha

Fixed ;D

At least i have a purpose built car that I ACTUALLY USE! Plus a street car that doubles as a track beater.
Not to mention you spend three years building a car from scratch and then lets see if it will move when your done. I can’t help it if it has teething problems, this is how you get yourself into trouble with people dude.
Next year i will crush.

i agree with the majority of everything said in this thread, and find myself venturing over here more and more. rspeed is getting too “off topic” for its own good. the pay to play is bullshit as well. Vlad, i commend u once again for making a decent upstate scene forum worth visiting.

Thank you sir. Funny thing is the forum is just the backdrop, the paper is big move and bread and butter of Shift518 as far as goals, and the forum gets more attention even though, it’s just a supplement for the paper made to provide color pictures of the events covered and start a discussion on articles posted in the paper.

Having a good solid local forum is crucial to a solid scene, which is my intent, to make the scene back to the days it once was during the APG days. You might have noticed the forum layout is a throwback to APG style as far as sections with a small twist, and if I get a different skin, it would probably be similar coloring as well.

I have a feeling that at the rate it’s going all the cap region crew fill find themselves on here, meanwhile rspeed will become more of the rochester scene site.

I appreciate all the positive feedback, and looking forward making it bigger. Come spring time don’t be suprised if we get a sudden boost of about 100 local members that are track oriented :slight_smile:

If anybody wants anything on the forum/paper that they don’t see or something they don’t like always feel free to PM me or email me about the matter.

only people that give me problems are people that take everything seriously, ie… you. relax, just cracking ur nuts a little.

Not just me, i’ve seen u piss of everyone on r-speed, don’t act like i’m your only nemesis, you have many.

95% of the time when I make comments like I did above I am completely joking. Hell, I even added a smiley face guy in there and you still got on my case. Maybe you are used to a more serious forum where I am not and the styles conflict horribly. Maybe your autoX forums are serious business and you don’t like my comments, but that isn’t my problem.I’m fucking around with you, chill out a little bit.

I would not say many at all, maybe 2 or 3 (you, travis at times, and eric when he is in a bad mood). There maybe more, but I only count those that speak up.

c’mon you got super mad at me after I made the gay family reunion comment. That was funny!

No, actually that was funny, but i’ve seen so many people get pissed at you because you say alot…but you don’t come through. Like saying my car had to be pushed, the only way you knew that is because moai asked me about it, it’s not like you were there or anything. I think my point is, that your not in a position to bust my balls or any one elses for that matter. You really don’t know me, and you’ve already got me against you. Not a good place to be, i’m a good resource and not someone you wan’t to piss off. Cuz if you do ever decide to auto-x or go to a track event we will be there and were all good friends. You wouldn’t wan’t to be on the outside of that i wouldn’t think. Not saying were some cool click or some shit but why alienate people who have been doing this for 15-20 years. Kinda strange if you ask me.

so I have to know you at a certain level in order to make a blatant lame joke about ur car or anything about you for that matter? I don’t agree, and I think a lot of people feel the same way. Internet forums are not serious business and in a way even promote further joking and ball busting. I’m sure i will step on a few toes now and then, but thats life.

You don’t know me either and I actually do know a lot of people on the boards personally, so saying that I’m in no position to talk to any one like I do is a stretch.

you are taking things too seriously. I would have never imagined a couple stupid jokes would lead to claims of me trying to alienate people.

cant we all just get along ;D

Like i said before, the whole reason people think r-speed sucks is because of people like yourself who feel free to say whatever they’re thinking no matter how irrevelant it is. Your not even into cars for what they are used for. You just an oppiniated loudmouth who needs to bash on other people to make yourself feel better. If you think thats not the case then why do you get so defensive with people like me and moai and shawn etc. etc. etc.

1stgen… point taken, let it die… he has a modded evo but doesnt race… its aiight, thats his thing…no biggy. at least hes not driving an automatic vw bug

Who the fuck drives an automatic bug? If your reffering to me i drive a six speed turbo s, ever get owned by a beetle? I’ll be happy to oblige. :lol
The reason these sites are small and have the same people on them, is because intelligent people don’t stay for more than ten minutes, and it’s because of attitudes like this.