Banned from RPSEED

id be happy to take up your little terd wagon :lol

How about this, blow me. You think my car is a turd, fuck you. I’m not gonna race some douche fucktard who thinks that siding with his little clown buddies is gonna make himself cool. So again this is obviously not a car site, It’s a pissing ground for wannabees. FTW

1stgen… i was in no way attempting to bash u… i was generalizing that automatic bugs are girl cars… you took my comment wrong. itd be nice if u werent so defensive and actually just let things rest. the “ill kick ur ass in a race” attitude is getting old bud. i for one DO manage to make it to the track when my car aint blown up… i have quite a few laps around LRP and probably 50+ passes at lebanon valley… not big on autocross personally, but i see how people could enjoy it… the idea isnt to bash everyone for not competing, but commend them for modding their car to their tastes to begin with. everyone needs to drop their holier than thou egos for once and stop the bullshit. /rant


Quoting Ron Burgundy “that sure escalated quickly”

Come on guys, debate and argue, but don’t attack each other personally or each other’s vehicles. I am going to go out on a limb and say none of us are perfect and they make different cars for different people, no car is perfect. There is no reason that we should have to stoop to the level of bashing each others cars and each other for that matter.

I’ve crossed paths with 1stgen before and we clashed, I don’t think he knows who I am, but I sure have a ton of respect for the work he has put into his car, weather its my cup of tea is not the point, its his and he surely has poured tons of blood, sweat and tears building it. The same holds true for most of you guys, so before you attack each others cars, remember we have all had mishaps, disagreements and have spent far to long working on our cars to not respect others hard work.

If its all in good fun, then I’m all for it, but as I said the other day the local scene is too tiny to have huge differences, when in fact I bet we are all more similar then not.

allright, ya’ll need to chill out and keep it civil.
if you can’t get along - don’t talk to each other.

At least Vlad isn’t begging for money. :slight_smile:

How about this we ALL get to use this site for free…So what he drives a bug…Just remember theres always something faster…Why fight over this kinda crap…he likes his car you like you car thats all that matters

That bug and the driver in it put down a lot faster lap times than I did all year. :’(

On a side note:

I do hope that this forum escalates into something with a tremendous amount of knowledge for everyone to enjoy, and that the politics and drama be set aside. I’ve always been into motorsports, and since I started autocrossing, it’s been my favorite joy. I would love for this forum to be about swapping ideas and knowledge rather than bashing someones taste in music, porn, etc… I for one like girl on girl.

On behalf of Shift518, I would like to thank everyone for their support in the forum and not only helping the paper grow, but the scene.

i apparently unknowingly bashed 1stgen… quite honestly dude, i didnt even know u drove a bug…lol i stereotyped one of the slowest cars i knew… if urs is fast brother, more power to ya and i applaud u for making it so. consider this an apology

big effin word, the local scene has been so divided for long enough, its time we put our differences aside and realize we can all learn from each other, are more similar then we would like to admit and grow - not only in numbers but in a sense of community and knowledge.

Admirable idea, but not gonna happen. There are too many morons out there to make fun of. :banana

“I’m sick of people’s bullshit on here. The next person that makes a comment about myself, the other admins, moderators, this site, or the people on this site will get banned.”


ban me :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t ordinarily voice an opinion on this one, seeing as I’ve made it a point at times to be an asshole for my own personal amusement.

Mike’s a good friend of mine and I know his intentions are good with the message board. Any money or membership fees are purely voluntary, as people can post on the board without paying, making it a free board to anyone who wishes to use it. Those who pay are provided with services including unlimited image hosting among other things. In my opinion, it’s the least anyone can do for a place they use often, given that the bandwidth costs come out of mike’s pocket, not the people who visit the site.

With the moderation issues now cropping up, I can understand people’s concern. There are a lot of people new to the board, who are out of the local area. Since Rspeed isn’t just a local board anymore, it’s hard to keep the lighthearted perspective when joking or teasing someone else, especially if you don’t know them personally. I won’t badmouth RSpeed, as there is absolutely nothing wrong with the board or the people who founded it. It’s a great resource and the featureset for a messageboard is outstanding. That said, a messageboard is made up of individuals and the ones I’ve seen posting lately have not impressed me.

It’s not Mike’s fault that some people have issues with the board. I stand by him when I say that anyone making a negative comment to him about the board as a whole, is asking for a negative response. It’s HIS board. Yes, it’s a public forum, but saying that people should be allowed to post what they want just because of the fact the board is open to the public, is wrong. It’s a board that’s PRIVATELY owned by ONE man who pays the costs to maintain it. Members help that a little with their fees, but ultimately it doesn’t fall on their shoulders to keep the servers running and supplying data. Claiming you have the right to badmouth anything and anyone when you’re using someone’s property to do so is the same as saying that anyone who holds a yard sale should expect people to throw shit all over their lawn, wreck their landscaping and badmouth their property. Sure, people can do that if they want to be assholes, but they should also expect that they won’t be allowed to remain on the property if they continue to do so. Sure, the moderators aren’t perfect and I dislike some of them, but ultimately if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. If you have an issue with that, take it up with mike IN PRIVATE. Airing out your personal beef with someone on a messageboard is petty and it comes off as someone who’s just looking for a stage and a spotlight. Don’t expect fair treatment if that’s how you choose to approach a dispute. You’re already casting a foul light on the people running the show, so if they shut the lights off on you, you asked for it, whether they’re right or not.

I have no beef with people on this board and even though I’m in a bad mood at times, I don’t have any beef with people on Rspeed who act FAIRLY and PROFESSIONALLY when it comes to approaching arguments. That’s all I’m going to say today.

No other forum that I am on begs for you to pay membership (this one included). The forum is completely setup to promote you to buy a membership be it with what you can put in your signature, classifieds, or just how you are treated. It’s not even subtle. It’s obvious.

I’ll agree with this but that still doesn’t mean you should apply the rules unevenly. Mike treats his Rochester buddies differently. I can name at least 2 other people from the Rochester area that caused shit on the forum. Hell, I even remember when one started to post in every single subforum to be a dick. Mike then takes out his bullshit out on me? Why because I won’t give him a few dollars? Sorry, I lost my appeal when he tried to bribe me with a moderator position for money and when his daddy came on and insulted the forum base.

Yes, it is. It’s HIS forum. I would think he would be open to it to make it a better place.

Agreed assuming the rules are applied evenly. I guess I was banned because:

  1. Pointed out that Mike begs people to come on from the Rochester area (which he admitted to on his own in previous posts)
  2. Pointed out Cavi Mike is a retard because he is
  3. Told him to lighten up

Shouldn’t result in a ban given the shit that was already said especially in that thread. Mike was ragging on me and took it out on me. That’s fine. I wish I spent the $30 back in the day and banned him. :slight_smile:

Is it a crime to ask for donations? Last I checked, most forums are happy to receive cash to help out. I don’t see how it’s so bad that you’re a basic user unless you donate, then you get a few added features. So Mike might plug the membership thing once in a while or create lots of animated banners for it. The guy’s footing bandwidth bills created by some people who use it to bash him personally. Would it be so bad to mention the membership thing to help out? Especially if you’re going to use some of mike’s own money to badmouth him or some of the morons that run the place? It’s not like Rspeed is any different in that regard from any other board.

As for the way it’s run, sure. Mike might handle a certain things a little better, but the way I see it, he’s a human just like the rest of us. We all expect messageboards to be a management utopia, where all the wrongdoings are easily solved the “Right Way” and moderators are blameless, but that’s just not the case. Cavi Mike might just be an asshole and mike just might not realize it, becuase he knows the guy.
The issue is when you call Mike out on the moderator’s own personal bias, but you do it in a public way, by posting on every forum. You know I like you Shawn, but you’re asking for it when you do stuff like that. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “People don’t hear what you have to say, they listen to how you say it.”
If you’re trying to show there’s a problem by becoming one yourself, you’re going to get thrown out in the cold. PM’ing him or having a discussion on AIM about it would’ve probably given you better results and you know it. I know it’s not half as satisfying as throwing it out there in a public forum and stirring up an angry mob that stands behind what you have to say. We’re all guilty of that sometimes :wink:

Sure, I love free money too but I am not on the corner with a cup nor do I treat people differently who don’t give me money.

It’s his forum so he can allocate whatever resources he wants for whatever type of user. IMHO, treating people differently who buy a membership and applying rules unevenly are not really the best practice but like you said, it’s his forum.

Also, I did not mean to bad mouth him. I simply pointed out I was banned. I admit, I was not the most candid in my approach but I think if Mike wants to pull this shit, then he gets it coming his way. Also, the others did the bad mouthing.

Thanks for proving my point about Mike’s “Rochester buddies”. :slight_smile:

Out of all the bad shit said on the forum by everyone, Mike takes exception and gave me a ban because of what? Because he didn’t like what I said about Cavi? Whatever. Because he didn’t like the joke about him begging people to come on? Whatever. Everyone knows that. It’s a forum. Lighten up.

Every forum? This is the ONLY one that I said anything. What other forums?

Mike pulled his bullshit by banning me, he deserves what he gets. Surely, reiterating the facts can be tolerated given his actions were what prompted me to do it.

And I love you too. You’re a great guy man and I appreciate the honesty even pro/con against me. I am not perfect. I will fully admit that. I also admit I pushed his buttons. I did it for a reason as I noticed Mike treating people differently. I basically put forth public two fucking facts that everyone knows:

  1. Mike begs for membership. He admits it.
  2. Cavi Mike is a tool.

Ban me for that a few days before Thanksgiving in a feat to show some he is the king moderator? That’s fine. I just told everyone the sky is blue. :slight_smile:

The support for this board comes out of my own pockets, but I have unlimited hosting as well. Mike has approached his setup differently, and over invested. You will never make a profit on the board of members, there must be some other means of making a profit. When 99% on the web are free to do anything, at any point in time, a board with 700 members won’t stand out of the crowd.

I also provide more services for free then he does, and that dosn’t phase me either, Free classifieds, that get featured and distributed in the paper as well, free paper for the community, free Shift518 Event reminders, free meets and food, etc. It’s called an investement, and it takes money to make money. So far I’ve made none, but thats only more the reason to make the paper bigger and better and same with the site.

Like I have stated before, my philosophy is : If my business is not making money, there is something wrong with the business, not the consumers. Which gives all the more reason to further improve on the business until its satisfactory to consumers to purchase.

Donations, honsetly, I don’t expect any, I’ve never donated to anything, and I don’t expect it in return, plus it’s such a trivial item, and so unstable that you can’t count on it, but it does help.

Just like with women, in business seeming desperate only turns people away and lowers your self worth.

My .02c.

ahh the good ol days of being banned from r speed… i think i might have been one of the first people to be banned from there for making fun of Mikes dad.

His dad? Please tell me he didn’t ban you after his dad insulted the entire forum?