Banned from RPSEED

wait, this guys dad is coming on and talking shit on the boards? WOW just WOW… :wtf

WOW. Surprised the thread still exist. Mike typically edits/deletes anything negative.

You be the judge:


This is Mike’s dad and I’ve heard just about enough complaining from you guys. Autofest was cancelled because of lack of support from all of you, plain and simple. Blame yourselves. Here it is one month before the show and not one of you cheap bastards has pre- registered. Only one vendor, Synaps has stepped up to sponsor. Of the over 500 people on the forum, only 40 are premium members. Of the 30 for the membership almost 25 goes for the tshirt , stickers and printing and postage. Mike has already put a deposit on the location, he already bought the tickets for the Super Street guys, and spent countless hours preparing. We could hold the show and lose several thousand dollars.
If all of you guys had stepped up, bought premium memberships and pre-registered for the show, we would have some working capital and have an idea of how many attendees. All you guys do is argue like babies. Support the forum and it’s members or get the fxxx off. I’ve often told Mike to close rspeed. you guys aren’t worth the headache.

LOL… thats just retarded. i am at a loss for words. you’ll never see me on that forum.


I’m not a Rspeed member and never lurk on the site, but that is just funny!

Seriously, its not 1999 forums should be free, make your money from advertisers who in turn make money from people who can use their services. The successful forums are free, open minded and are run for the members. Yes some people need to be banned, but banned for attacking others, not for commenting how the site(or site owners) should improve the site, when people stop criticizing it means they no longer care. On the web you must remain thick skinned, and adapt with the changes that take place other wise you will be left in the past.

Indeed he did ban me for replying to his dads douchebaggery


WOW. That’s absolutely the worst shit I have heard.

so much for a democracy, and an open forum. ::slight_smile:

I can assure you guys that my dad won’t be on here bashing anybody, he didn’t even know about Shift518 untill 10, 40lb boxes showed up at the doorstep for the 2000 issues of Shift518.

Nor does he have the computer experience to post and sign up :lol

BUMP by Vlad :slight_smile:

What did I do know?

It was an accident I swear!

damn they locked the thread i wanted to quote his dad and say “bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”

it seems like from when iwas there motnhs ago and people were starting to turn on mikey over there, and now it seems worse. apparently the simple things like…you dont publicly promote a show or event until its going threw. you dont rely on pre appointments to decide whether or not your doing something…thats something you do after the event is on.

And I don’t see the soviet non stop complaining about people not being paying members. Maybe he shouldnt have started a website if he didnt want to spend some money?

Anyone been on there recently (rspeed) the little :catfight between celtic1982citlec and mikecentola is quite funny :nod

It’s quite lame. It’s that kind of messageboard shit that encourages people to seek another forum.

It’s really no different than watching Oprah and gossiping about other people’s dirt. I think it’s bullshit and should be left off the boards.

yeah… im an instigator. i cant help it :crackup

It may be lame…i don’t know either of the 2 (celtic or mike) but the fact the celtic called out mike on his dad paying for his shit and saying that his businesses and offices are basically failures :crackup i thought was funny.

rspeed i have found, is just like another forum i was apart of…until i got banned :lol … 8thgen civic forum…you say one wrong thing, your banned :wtf

i know both of them… and it makes it even more funny.

I’m currently in “Time Out” on bimmerforums for asking this:

noob in OT who makes a thread about how he bashed on this guy’s for sale post on another forum for a turbo civic with 110k miles, well put together, nice build 400+whp owner was asking $10k, so this noob completely trashes this guys thread, saying who’d pay 10k+ for a civic with 110k miles, etc (he was looking for a dd civic :idiots) guys a total douche, doesnt know shit.

So i shit all over him, as does everyone else who knows anything about cars in off topic.

So this douche then makes ANOTHER thread entitiled: Attn. BF.C Assholes (you can’t swear in thread titles on bf.c)

and he says like “fuck you” or something

So i reply:

“Do you suck dick professionally or just for because you like the way it tastes?”

or something like that


fuckin bullshit, i mean i know it was childish to say, but cmon, i didnt threaten him, and its FUCKING OFFTOPIC!

Join 8th gen civic for the fun of it, i heard about how bad it was on another forum i’m a member on and i decided to go and be a smartass ;D it’s quite fun.

A forum much like this(loose moderation, let a lot of things fly) is a lot of non-RSX members are on there just because it’s a nice forum…check it out :thumb

K-20, thanks for pointing that thread out on R-speed

I found it and enjoyed reading it immensely