Bar Tabs

Depends how many people are out with me.

money aint no thang nuggaaa

money in the pocket gets legs quickly…somehow the bar sucks it outta of you in no time…so all of it if i’m act going out and not just stopping for a drink with my friends…

Between $2-$4 possibly.If I feel like washing down dinner with something good.


depends on how you take it…
$200 as a bar tab? it would be buying me and friends drinks till its gone.

if I have $200 on me, maybe 40-100 on the night, and if I drive, where I am staying and people around. I mean a $40 bar tab is 3 drinks for 3 friends min.

I like to buy friends drinks

just go out with skunk u spend 40 to 80 thats it

I wouldnt buy drinks. I would make it rain on dem hoes

< $20.

Some of you are pure alcoholics in denial.






I would make it rain on dem hoes


If you spend more than 30 bucks in one bar on yourself you seriously need to be more efficient.

Here is my bar tab from a few weeks ago. Typical Thurs happy hour with 2 of my friends. Funny thing is domestic bottles are only a dollar! no one made it to work on Friday :mamoru:

50 drinks between the 3 of you? Self-dectruct much?

10:46pm and you were done?

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, thats the way to do it :tspry:

the carbombs, jagerbombs, and other misc. shots will always do the mind and the wallet in for the night.

beer or wine only = win.

my bar tab is never over $20, even buying rounds for other people and drinking long island ice teas all night :slight_smile:

Anyone who’s been to a bar with me, knows what my answer is… lol

I’m there to make sure everyone has a good time…

Where’s the “I start to use my credit cards and leave 20 bucks on me just in case I need to take a taxi somewhere, so I don’t see it until the end of the month.”

However, bar tabs for me and like 30 people in buffalo = stupid cheap.

I’d have to spend at least $40 in order to get hasselhoff’d

we usually pre-game before we go to a bar. That way I end up spending 20-40
the one time tho, me and my brother rang up a $130 bar tab. he said he would cover it, but then his cc didnt go through. So I had to pick it up.