Bar Tabs

If you had 200 bucks in your pocket, how much of it would you spend when you are out at a bar…

just kind of a curiosity thing.

Meh depends on who you’re with and what the occasion is. If i’m just out drinking with my buddies for no reason probably not more than $40-50 bux. If i’m out celebrating something special and i’m with a lot of people probably more. Need more info to decide. Also depends on where you’re at. Drinking at a bar in the bahamas each beer was $11 so i’d probably spend atleast 100 with tipping and such.

i won’t spend more than 40 bucks at a bar. sometimes i won’t even bring more than 20. but then again, i only go out like 2 times a month, if.


Drinking at a bar in the bahamas each beer was $11 so i’d probably spend atleast 100 with tipping and such.


All Inclusive FTMFW

where is the ive done all of the above option :bloated:


where is the ive done all of the above option :bloated:



If I bring too much money with me to the bar I end up buying too many drinks for people.

my buddy get a hook up at a dt bar, our tab could easily break upwards of 300 dollars for 4 or 5 people but usually is no more than a 100 with tip

gotta love connections


my buddy get a hook up at a dt bar, our tab could easily break upwards of 300 dollars for 4 or 5 people but usually is no more than a 100 with tip

gotta love connections


dt fredonia?

10 bucks…

redbull mmmmmmmmmmmmm

waste o $

Just kind of curious where I stand… I know any money in my pocket is gone by the end of the night… no questions asked its just gone…

I go out 2 - 4 times a week… so it can get pretty costly…

I’m getting to the point where its like … “I only spend 40 bucks tonight” and its a celebration!!

Even with all my hook ups over the years im sure i could have used what ive spent to fund the research to find the cure for cancer by now

But now im more of the house party type, especially once i get my house. natty ice ftw :smiley:

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:8,topic:28986"”]

dt fredonia?


buffalo…in freedonia 10 dollars gets me plenty of drinks for me and all the ladies :smiley:


All Inclusive FTMFW


No doubt last year we stayed at Sandals and that was def. the way to go. This year we had a house in the Abbacos (sp) and there was no all-inclusive option because we rented someones house on the water.


Even with all my hook ups over the years im sure i could have used what ive spent to fund the research to find the cure for cancer by now


yea… the past month and a half has been a nasty nasty bill

You gotta bring as much as money as your willing lose and leave the ATM card at home… Same deal with the casino


Even with all my hook ups over the years im sure i could have used what ive spent to fund the research to find the cure for cancer by now

But now im more of the house party type, especially once i get my house. natty ice ftw :smiley:


same deal here, the last two months I have been averaging about $300 a week :bloated:


i only bring with me what i intend to spend…

and, according to the rules of this poll…i have $200 in my pocket at the bar…

realistically though, when i go to a bar, it’s usually somewhere i have a hookup, or somebody i’m with has a hookup…and that usually means we all drink what we want for $20 or so each at the very most…


If you had 200 bucks in your pocket, how much of it would you spend when you are out at a bar…

just kind of a curiosity thing.


To literally answer your question, I would spend $200. Not intentionally, but I have this amazing ability to spend whatever cash I leave the house with.

In a perfect world, I’d spend $50 and the other $150 towards something, anything else.

I voted $40-80, I try to keep it close to that.

But, like other’s said… If I had $200, I would probably spend near all of it. :meh: