There were definitely a few times in that video where it looks like you opened your chute super late, lol. But maybe that was just the perspective of the camera.
Awesome video!
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
It’s about 5 seconds to impact. I never took more than a 3 second delay.
---------- Post added at 02:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 PM ----------
If you couldn’t tell, that was the other guy. It was me who plowed into the ditch, though.
If it was base humping, would you want to plow into the bitch?
Haha, really pulled that one together. I like it.
A lot of similarities to the motorcycle classes I teach, be it BASE is a MUCH bigger immediate risk, there’s right and wrong ways to do a lot of things, he tries to impress upon his students the right and shows the wrong way to do things. Good read for sure…
If you know where this is please keep it to yourself.
Photo by xwalkerx (who I’m sure will bitch about the edit)
god damn you. stop posting this. the edit sucks.
i just sent it to you cause you were crying me a river about pics…
lol i knew it!
whens the video gonna be up from that one?
Never. Because it’s not legal.
So, I’m curious. Where you nervous at all going out and scouting this spot by yourself and calculating/making the jump all alone? What types of things do you have to consider when you’re scoping a spot out and making the jump and how much does it differ from that wide-open bridge you were at?
The most important thing to consider is what you would do in an off-heading opening. Whatever direction the canopy opens in is the way you’re flying. Obviously the worst case would be a 180 where you fly back at whatever you jumped off of.
The biggest influence on heading is not packing, it’s body position. Dropping a shoulder during the deployment sequence even an inch can negatively impact your heading.
Here’s another picture from the set… I had an audience, lol.
STUPIDDDD… post in air pics of the LOCAL jump.
or text me one. I didnt think that place would be high enough honestly.
Awesome vid :tup:
Going back to the bridge near the end of July. More practice. Also trying to get my hands on a second rig…
thats awesome!!! that video was cool. One question, worst case sceneiro, do you have a back up parachute or is it a “just throw out parachute out of a bag” idea. I have no clue about base jumping vs. skydiving skydiving you have a back up parachute i believe.
Those shorts look awfully high waisted.
Is there enough time for a back up to be deployed and work?