Baseball / Softball team thread for Shift518

haha no you only need 9-10 to field your ideal size team would be 15 depending on league rules…

not cool! I’d be down for playing football… I grew up in FL we played all the time… not exactly the cheerleader type…

yea ur more butch.

I could prob make this… could possibly even convince the hubby to come play…

Nick Esopi didn’t go anywhere…he had surgery go arwry and he never played baseball again.

sall good then. i just dont wanna be accused of groping when “2 hand touching” :rofl

haha yea my thunder thighs and cankles can get in the way of cheering …

that’s fine as long as you don’t mind me kicking your ass in return :slight_smile:

that was AFTER he went d1… injured himself freshman yr of college. he was HR leader for the wasaren that yr… (i should know 2 of em were off me :Idiots)

9-10 is only to fill the field of one team, we meant 20+ people so that we could play a game. but your right we would only need about 15 heads to enter an area league.

alls fair in love and war. :hug

yea most of the local leagues say a team should consist of 13 - 21 ppl… and that 4 girls have to be on the field at all times… so you figure 9-10 on the field at one time based on legue regulations… but once you get more than 15 it becomes a bitch fest with people complaining they don’t get enough field time even though they may suck…

We can play pretty much anywhere on Sunday…I’m in…I don’t have to work til later. Say like 11am or noon time? We just need a where! We need at least 12 people for a decent touch football game.

that would be one of the reasons i will never ever coach anything, i cant stand people that whine over playing time.

PS - I have a real deal football I can bring

coach hockey… theres enough injuries that everyone gets playing time if they suck or not. :ahh

i have a real good regulation football somewhere too, ill find it.

yea that is really the worst part i was on a work team this summer and have a decent arm so i always played short center or left field and damn some people who couldn’t catch or throw a ball for their life would always bitch they didn’t get to play and when they did it was only for like 2 innings… so annoying… We even offered to buy them out and they didn’t take it…


These are important ?'s


can we take it easy on the people who bitch about playing time. that’s probably going to be me :slight_smile:

I have a reg football too, i say we bring em all just in case.

so lets make a list for sunday. no point doing this if we don’t have enough people. I want DEFINITES.