Bathroom walls

Would I be ghetto if I used tileboard instead of re-tiling the walls?

I really fucking hate tiling.

Anyone ever work with tileboard? it looks easy as hell, but I’m wondering what I put around it to not leave exposed unfinished edges where it meets the painted part of the wall.

pics of tileboard?

you’ve already been deemed ghetto, so that’ irrelevent.


no ghetto usually involves some level of intimidation, and thats just not the case. i’d say he’s been deemed ‘fiscally lazy with bad taste’ :smiley:


You mean that cheap ass board w/ the imprinted fake tile on it? My husband does tile/natural stone work. That’s his business. I just got off the phone w/ him. He says first “tell him it’s SHIT and they use it in the ghetto”. Secondly, he advises IF you are going to use it, you have to seal the SHIT out of it (caulking etc) or you WILL get mold growth behind it. Even if you DO seal the shit out of it, you still run the risk of the mold because if the caulking fails, or even if it just gets old and pulls back a bit from the wall…mold will grow.

His advice: If you are renting it out and not living there and it’s in the ghetto and ghetto ppl will be living there and you don’t give a rats ass about the ppl there getting sick… Don’t worry about it, and go ahead and use it.

If you are living there or someone who you are concerned with is going to live there, DO NOT USE IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES unless you want that mold growing behind it and getting the mold related illnesses in your lungs.

My advice would be, if you hate tiling, latex paint. Is it finished drywall or is it where you ripped tile up off the wall?

whats on the wall now, if its regular drywall, tear it down and hang green board which is green colored drywall then just put wall paper over it all if you wanna be basic, if you got cement board on it now then you might as well put tile up

If tileboard is what I think it is, my step dad used it in our bathroom when he remodled it when I was little. It was actually really nice, thats why Im wondering if its what Im thinking of (after all these posts lol) Well, it was really nice, til he caught the whole bathroom on fire (stupid ass) and totally fucked up the bathroom. I felt kind of bad. The bathroom was totally finished, he was putting the last piece up, hit the metal trial off the light socket and it just blew the whole thing up. Kinda scary at 10 years old, but it was funny now that I think of it.

how bad is the tile in your bathroom? Mine was one good but crooked as all hell. I actually boarded over it but not with “fake tiles”. After calking you just use wood trim to make it meet the floor and so forth.

You remember my post from this time last year. I was going to post it up but the attached pictures are gone. Anyways they still look new and are holding up with no problems after a year. even with the sauna like conditions Jenn creates when she takes a shower.

I had some really sad looking plastic 1950s tile that fell off when I touched it.

So FattyVR6 and I chipped all of the tile in my bathroom off in under eight minutes with butterknives.

So… I have a bathroom, with the top half of the room painted, and the bottom half covered in mastic where the tile used to be. The mastic sticks out about 1/4". Under the mastic is whatever they used for walls in the 1950s… (Plasterboard?). The plasterboard(?) is mostly solid, with a couple 3-4" bits that came off with tiles. I fucking HATE tiling. If anyone does that sort of thing for a reasonable price, I might be into it. Otherwise…suggestions?

If that tileboard does make things mildewy, I’ll definitely have to find another solution… I have terrible allergies.

tear the whole fucking thing down to studs, redo the entire thing with greenboard or concrete board, and put up whatever you want.

I repaired my bathroom a few times and it was always a half ass way of doing it. Do it right the first time and start fresh. I did this in my basement and am happier than shit that I did it from scratch instead of fixing the old stuff.

especially if you have allergies.

They do make sheets of real tile that has mesh behind it holding the tiles in place. I’ve only seen it w/ 1"x1" or 2"x2" tile tho…You could just use that, slap it up and grout it w/o having to use spacers to get the joints perfect. :dunno:

But like I said, hubby recommends against using the tileboard if you are going to live there. Mold is no joke, I have terrible allergies too. :mad:

whatever you do add some poetry to the room:

Here I sit all broken hearted.
Tried to shit but only farted.

Later that night I took a chance.
Tried to fart but shit my pants. :wink:

OK… I watch HGTV alot… Tearing everything down and doing it right is always the best way to go… Don’t use that cheap ass board… you’ll end up sick…
But you may be able to use a faux texture finish on the lower part of the wall to hide the mastic…
There is some ideas…

after everybody (on here and my contractor friends) telling me that board is shit, i’m just going to leave the bathroom torn up until the rest of the house is finished, then tear it all out and greenboard.

Yes, its crap

C;mon, everyone knows that stick on tile shit is ghetto as fuck. /idea