removing bathroom wall tile w/o killing the drywall?

all im coming up with on google is how to put it back up, not how to take it off without killing the wall under it.

Just scrape w/ putty knife and hammer genltly…you will have to spackle a bit afterwords…

As you can see I had some water damage where I cut the drywall out. I am replacing it with green board in the cut sections…but in the pic you can see that I have much decent old drywall under where the tiles were.

Just start at a corner and work yor way in.

LOL just did this myself.Tried to take it off and then said hell with it.either way has pros and cons.A putty knife is probably your best frien but will take time,if it’s on there good.

Good luck tho.

awesome. now come over and help or your both banned :slight_smile:

theres always pleanty of beer in the fridge


crow bar

ur lazy, just tear it all out and drywall that shit.


Take down the drywall and put some green board under that shit you lazy mudda facka.


It will end up looking better if you just hang new drywall rather than have to mud over 120398724 holes.

What is the cost of new drywall vs. your time spent trying to save the old?

Not worth it to try and save the plaster. Rip the whole wall down tile and all and put up some drywall. It will take a lot less time for teardown and you will only have to spackle the joints to the drywall.

Take it from me, I did 3 rooms this way. It costs a slight bit more, but the amount of time saved was better than the extra $

Plus while the walls are out, you can rewire, do any needed plumbing, etc. Add another outlet. Run cable tv lines so you can watch tv while on the shitter…

pm your # ill come over any help ya out I am a contractor…but what camarojoe said is the easiest the only other option is to skim coat the whole thing which sucks and is not a good idea around moisture…

Only thing that does suck a little is ditching the Drywall/plaster if you have a lot of it.


if you decide to tear it out just shoot me a pm, i’ve got a dumpster at my work. you can drop it off whenever. or if you need supplies or whatever just stop in, we’ve got almost anything but the drywall itself.

t-down dry wall in bathroom, hardybacker(sp?) all the way home.

im down to help one weekend possibly as well. been doing this shit with my dad for a long ass time

thanks for the input guys, i really dont need help (i have 3 people including me, and its a small room) guess im making a trip to the store again to burn up the card a little more.


its nice to see a bunch of people willing to help out… it makes me all warm and fussy inside.

Hardibacker is also good to use.

Not cheap though as compared to drywall. I used drywall in my bathroom because I didn’t know about hardibacker 5 years ago. Coat it with good, not cheap paint and a primer coat. Also put in a good fan to pull out the moisture. The summertime we have the bathroom window open and it’s not bad, but in the wintertime, cold weather and hot water = lots of moisture. So install a better than cheap fan if you have access to the ceiling/attic or an external wall.

I just went the easy way and got something like this…