Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Figured we’d keep the BC2 talk out of the MW2 thread.

I think it’s equal or possibly better in some areas to MW2. Haven’t played MP in either of them, but SP was better I think in BC2. The environment being so destructible adds a certain realism to the game since you can’t just hide behind a wall and heal. YOU HAVE TO KEEP MOVING in a big fight otherwise you WILL DIE. And the mission where you had to snipe with the thunder strikes (to mask the sound of the rifle) was a detail that I found extremely awesome (as I mentioned in the other thread).

I may pickup BC2 to:

  1. Support the game maker
  2. To play MP

ROFL @ #1.

Why’s that funny? It’s that good IMO. There was a period of 2 years when there was NOTHING good on the PC (which is why I got an XBox 360). They made a good game.

Play Counter-Strike. I will own you. Just saying.

I will probably pick up BC2, just because I really dont like MW2.

I like the fact that this game is just all go kill everything. You have to do shit.

Quite possibly the funniest game video I’ve ever seen. Dude was hilarious.

The whole gravity thing with the environment is awesome too. I forgot to mention that but he mentioned it in the video.

I love how you can “swap kits” thats pretty cool. Def going to look into this. F MW2

I love/hate the bullet drop compensations you have to do when sniping and the leading of the opponent.

Makes it much harder to get those nasty impossible shots. But you’ll run a lap around your house laughing when you do.

I wouldn’t go off saying that this is oh so much better than MW2 but I think some of its ideas are a breathe of fresh air.

Damn. I beat this game a month ago but I’m going to play it again tonight.

I didn’t say it’s that much better. For a long time, Call of Duty has been THE first person shooter (of games released in the last couple of years) IMO. I think this game challenges it and might actually beat it out in some categories.

Both have their pro’s and con’s…and both are super fun to play. I play MW2 MP with 4 of my friends at least once a weak on the PC. Always a good time.

Was the campaign as short as MW2? Also has anyone tried the new “Army of Two?” Not sure if I liked it or not honestly.

It was your typical campaign I’d say. I did feel like I wanted it to be longer. Is it super short? Nah…but it didn’t seem like Medal of Honor (which to me seemed like it had the longest campaigns).

Army of Two seemed really short to me…I beat it on a rainy Saturday with my roomate.

BC2 should be awesome. I play Battlefield 2 now and can’t wait until I get my hands on a copy of BC2.

I loooooove BC2!!! It’s better than MW2 in almost everything. The fact it actually warrants strategy and being tactical as opposed to running around with a knife is awesome.

Yeah I got it last night ( and played some MP. It’s definitely harder than MW2. I SUCK. In MW2 I would have at least had 10 kills in a 1hr session. I only had 1 on BC2.

Sniping is WAY COOL.

It’s way harder at first until you get the hang of it. Just keep in mind that the whole point is squad play and the recon class is about more than sniping, it’s the easiest way to take out vehicles from a safe distance. Recon might as well be called saboteur. Medic rocks too, especially when you get the defib.

Yeah I’m sure I’ll be okay after a while. Right now I feel like an idiot cause I’m constantly dying lol. There really wasn’t much sniping in the SP mode, but you really have to get good at judging distance in MP since the guys are always running around.