Bad Company 2

Just wondering if anyone picked this up and what you think about it. Im debating on grabbing it or not.

If you’re referring to Bad Company 2… I grabbed it off of Steam for the PC.

Haven’t been able to play in multiplayer yet… probably loaded servers.

Single player was pretty good so far… not as polished as I thought it would be, but definitely a great looking game at times with everything cranked up.

Yup, got it for the 360. I like the MP a lot more than BC1 and I have a feeling I’ll be playing this more than MW2 now. Also, anybody having trouble with the VIP code, you have to type the letters in all caps.

My brother has been bata testing Bad Company 2 and downloaded his full copy last night.

The game looks awesome, but it’s not the same as Battlefield 2… I’m waiting for Battlefield 3! I might pick up Bad Company if my brother really likes it. I don’t have much time for games right now.

Glad this finally came out, getting ready PAX east in boston at the end of the month. $10,000 goes to the first place team and tickets are already sold out so if a bunch of people get really good and don’t have tickets yet, I won’t have to worry about them there.

Is this the game that they were comparing to MW2 in the commercial?

This is supposed to compete with MW2, and does a great job from what I’ve seen.

I played the demo on 360 and for some reason the graphics just didn’t look that good to me in comparison to MW2… but I know one of my friends sold his MW2 for this game, he likes it better

I’ve only seen the PC version and it’s quite crisp.

I’m thinking of picking this up pretty soon. I have a 57" plamsa being delivered soon and I will need to a new game to break it in. :tup:

god the bc2 website is sooo slow they must have some ridiculous traffic

In the campaign, there are a few references to MW2, something like “we better do it or they’ll send in some spec ops pussy with a heartbeat sensor”. :lol:

The gameplay is a LOT different than MW2, most notably is the bullet physics. You need to lead long range shots and account for some bullet drop. Also, the maps are huge by large compared to CoD. Vehicles play a huge part of this game too.

If anybody wants to play, I’m rocketman761 on xbl.

Picking it up soon, mw2 getting old already…

Welcome to PC gaming my friend. I preordered it and got the limited edition copy yesterday. So far the single player mode is all I’ve had time to play and it awesome. The graphics are great, and the most noticeable thing I noticed is the sound effects. The seem more accurate, louder, and overall better than other games.

Its alot of Fun. Played it all night. 8/10 - Its Very slow to level up
MW2 9/10

BC2 >>>>>>>> MW2

Is it true you can’t fly planes/copters like in the previous Battlefields when playing online?

This isn’t Battlefield, it’s Bad Company. Totally different game. I know it’s a bit confusing.

I flew a chopper in Multiplayer last night…they reversed the Y-Axis from previous versions. It’s a really cool game, but still lacks the depth and feel of BF2. Think of this game more on a outstanding version of MW2.

EDIT - You can change the controls for the choppers too. I don’t think there are planes…

Well that’s kind of a bummer. :frowning: