Bayer Corp. Spreads HIV


this real?..

FAKE…If not WOW!

I can’t view it at work…bayer corp?? sounds familiar

fuuuucked up shit…

Bayer aspirin, it’s a fake video anyway. No way the US would alow that shit to happen…

they said dont let it sell in america…jsut drop it in other places

Come on now,this is an epidemic if it really did happen and i know they are trying “hush hush” it so that video says but i call BS on this one.

oh ya its fake, im just sayin u thing the government wouldnt do antying to cover its own ass?

fake :rofl: its not fake it happend 20 years ago. thier talking about it now.

So um…who here has been to france in the past couple of years?:eek4:

bla bla bla…i figured that but i dunno…isn’t there corprate offices located near Robinson off of the parkway?? oh well…can’t see the vid…

They knew about it in 2003

shaggy spreads HIV also :kekegay:

shaggy also spreads his butt cheeks.

ive seen it!

who is shaggy?