BB Storm users

i’m sure most of you have updated leaked os’s but esp for those like me that have a mac and can’t put on leaked ones :’( verizon finally approved an update and its been avalible since yesterday, so go get it.

R u running it? Notice an improvement?

I got mine like 2-3 weeks ago and still runing it stock

holy shit i’m getting this updated tonight

I prolly will too, hope it increases battery life

I have noticed on my pearl that alot of the leaked os’s really severely affect the reception i get. A few BB forums have alot of verizon customer complaining that verizon BB’s are not as receptive to os’s as say at&t

hmmm good looking out, i’ll have to check it out. hers is a verizon phone on at&t so we’ll see how that goes…

i’ve been using it all day today, updated through the wireless update last night and the phone runs a lot smoother now. i’m happy since i was about to break down and dual boot my computer so i could get a new os. having a verizon back one is even better. but beware if you do it through your phone it will take a while, i suggesst starting it before you go to bed, wake up with a better phone :ponder

how do I do it?

yeah iclick wireless update and it comes up with nothing available?

you can also go through its much faster. it loads an app loader program onto your computer

is there a better version of aim i can download that actually displays away messages, idle time,etc?

i no longer have a usb cable to plug my computer to my phone. how can I upgrade?

options->advanced options->wireless update

i did that. it said no update available

idk, .148 is the update that was just released, it worked last night. see what version your phone is.

just submitted upgrade request… wanna make sure it gets goin b4 i go to sleep. LOL

just completed mine… what exactly did they change other than a few minor differences (i.e. new keyboard for portrait view and phone “button”)?

biggest thing i noticed/care about is its faster and runs alot smoother.

I just got 2 storms for work purposes.

I hate Blackberry’s. I hate my Instinct now (it’s slowing down - probably due to the new apps), but I hate the blackberry more. Typing on it is a PAIN IN THE ASS.

God I can’t wait till the Pre comes out.

can’t wait to try it… thanks again.