Where can i DL bberry OS 4.5?

I’m not a phone nerd, but i’d really like to be able to record video…

I have an AT&T curve

I can only speculate, but if I had to guess, I’d say there will be several child porn/underage girl joke posts below.

newman has a date with his sig chick


also, i think is the most recent version…

can someone with torrent capabilites DL and email, PLZ?

get the desktop manager then dl the latest OS

search rapidshare

dont get anything less then the latest, rest run like shit

Isn’t the new OS still BETA?

do you have it?


new features make the phone so much better…vid cam is like the least compared to the rest…HTML email is huge

yes. i posted a thread on this like a week ago, i’ve had it forever and its so easy to get i don’t even remember how i got it. just google, i spent no more then an hour looking iirc

Blackberry 8230 Curve OS 4.5, i have the torrent file, i can send it to ya, since i refuse to use torrents im not downloading it.

can you just email it to me?

i don’t have the internet at home and torrent sites are blocked…

BuickGN, i wouldn’t be able to do anything with it. No Torrent software here. (why do you refuse to use torrents?)

just make sure it’s build .52, otherwise he’s going to have a hell of a time and wish he didn’t waste an hour upgrading :slight_smile:

lol its 90 meg

i don’t have the original file, not to mention its 80mb.


here you go. theres like 3 links that’ll work.

hmm, i’ll have to use someone elses PC and burn it to a disk or something…

he just said torrent sites are blocked

and pirate bay is down


Hmm maybe I should update mine