Christopher Lowel LMAO
I think if eurodad would grow a beard like that they could actually pass as brothers. :dunno:
women love men that can cook.
No lies there!
i like to cook sometimes
Buying 60$ steaks in Philly restaurant does not constitute you cooking -
And The guy needs to do more than just grilling to be considered a “cook” HAHA
Grilling is the ultimate way to cook especially when you have to manage and time everything to be done at the same time (doing steaks, cabobs, corn, and shrimp all at once = teh win).
I can cook other ways as well. Ask my wife, i just don’t take pictures and post about it every hour on the hour :finger:
LOL well ok… Have you baked anything see because a guy that will make a desert like that and all the gourmet stuff Eurodad throws up on here- Thats a guy that can cook regardless of the grill - For the love of god he makes his own sauce!
eating good and cooking for yourself are two different things
i can make german chocolate cake and homemade cheesecake… learned off my older sister.
i’m making my kick ass potato soup today, i need to go get some supplies… be back shortly
Again ask my wife. I havn;t baked any desserts for her, due to us trying to eat healthier and we don;t need that stuff in the house.
But I can do a lot of stuff from preparing sushi all the way to grilling and baking. You should see our spice cabinet, we make our own seasonings and sauces all the time. especially JD sauce for salmon, and a kick as barbecue sauce for chicken.
When you live in a fire house for 2 years and that is your home, you learn and get good at cooking. Especially for groups of 8-15 on sundays when most people are up there hanging.
Well then you and Eurodad are just awesome for takin over the kitchen. Your wives are very lucky!
only thing that jenn can;t do is stir fry for som reason. It always ends up as stir soup…
ask her about her hard boiling egg expedition
I’m having a craving for sushi now… :mad:
Had it last nite, I’m addicted we could have a pittspeed sushi meet
i gotta hear about that
Basically, I always thought that you boil eggs by throwing them in water, boiling for a long time, and then cooling off and peeling… Mike has me pull out a RECIPE for hard boiling eggs… which I screw up 16 eggs before finally getting it right.
no get it right, I sent you back to the store and you went through 3 dozen…
It got to the point where the last dozen I did it my self, at the time I was pissed…lol