Be cautious driving today, guys

Red light on my V1 blinks i back off the gas as a habbit, just to be on the safe side

  1. Drive normal and you wont have problems

  2. The “myth”…has some truth to it

Yup. They aren’t quotas… They’re more like “goals”.

thanks fellas

Goals are quite different than quotas.

If there were quotas and it was the last day of the month each cop would just pull over the 5/10/15 cars he sees that day and ticket them all at the very beginning of his shift. Why wait for later?

That does not happen.

They do not put out extra shifts and patrol cars on the streets at the end of the month either.

And that “goal” lasts the entire month, each month.

That’s why the end of the month is no different and you’re no more likely to get pulled over.

Funny I haven’t seen one person pulled over either.

I have plenty of dealings with cops on weekly basis and have quite a few friends in the force myself.

Maybe we should ask the few members of the force on the site?

Quoted for fuckup :lmao

Just because in the narrow scope that you drove and didnt see someone pulled over doesnt mean there arent people being pulled. While there is no quota, there is a reasonable number of stops that an officer is expected to make, and that will be a big factor when promotion time comes around. Think if cop A makes 3 stops in a month, and cop B makes 25, who would you be more likely to promote? The guy sitting in his car not making his time worthwhile, or the guy out busting his ass more that is putting forth effort?

No they dont put out extra shifts, but overtime is readily available for most whenever wanted. There isnt a need for extra officers, there is a need for the individual officers to do more on their own shift. And naturally people procrastinate, and put shit off till the last minute, and alot of officers are no different. They make up more of their stops towards the end of the month.

Not rocket science :thumbup

Do you commonly do tasks the minute you get them? MOST people do not, and most cops are the same. As we said earlier (in my orig post i never said a word about quotas as i know they arent a quota) its the end of the month cops that have procrastinated throughout the month will try to make up for it a little.

And you cant pull over the first 5/10/15 cars you see and ticket them if they are doing nothing wrong can you? Dont think so, so no that isnt what cops do. Im glad you have run-ins with police officers but that doesnt make you a lawyer. NOR am i, but i AM studying criminal justice and i do have (without exaggeration) 3 federal, 2 state, and 3 local law enforcement officials in my immediate family, more in the rest of my family.

And as far as extra shifts go, as Adam perfectly put, almost every cop loves overtime ESPECIALLY DURING HOLIDAYS, and take it when they can get it. Not just the end of the month.

It’s not unheard of for a trooper to see 30 to 50,000 extra a year due to overtime…

Yup, there are numerous people making over 100K a year due to O/T!

And that is another reason our state is broke…cops work overtime that isn’t needed. At least in most areas where the crime rate is next to nothing.

Saw 3 cars pulled on NWay in last hour…just came from exit 9 to 5! They are pulling. I agree 94GT and AllBkacckedOut… and to add to it, each force/locality is different… ask Ray… he barely ever pulls cars over… no pressure for him to pull xxx cars a month. NYS is a little different though. Revenue is important now, I am sure there is some union pressure to provide value.

ive been saying this for the past 2 years on shift and no one listens…

No there are not official quotas…

theirs a requirement theyd like them to meet

cops probably meet this way before the “end of the month”

my dad had “quota” he wasnt going to get fired if he dident meet it … and its not some outrageous number, most cops could probably get it done in a day if they wanted to be johy big dick law

Who cares if there is or isn’t a quota. It’s obvious that the end of this month with the holidays and whatnot, that the cops are out more and not parked along side a highway beating off to see how high they can get their radar gun to display, they are out to get us :rofl

I think it’s bullshit that they can pick up that amount of overtime. Ridiculous.

Ive asked my cousin (sheriff) about quotas and he told me there is a certain amount of tickets they want a traffic cop to write per month. Lately he isnt on traffic duty very often though.

He gets plenty of overtime (by choice) and saves the overtime for vacation days. He worked 12 days in October and spent the rest hunting but got paid for the whole month.

Completely irrelevant, :rofl

+1, I’m sure no one in here cared about that little extra bit of information.

no, actually that was going along with Adam’s post.

hahahaha :lol

ray pulled me over and gave me a ticket!!! WTF!!


to Ray.