so i came across this pic and thought it was funny but also thought it was worth a discussion.
This is clearly the rage right now… white guys growing crazy big beards and wearing them around as a badge of honour.
Unfortunately, another subset of this crew also wears mega scraggily hair on top of their heads.
this came up yesterday at the 2014 meet at the cosy where there were like 15 white guys with beards and scraggily hair… so many that i couldnt tell one from another and was randomly asking bearded scraggily white dudes who’s car was whose.
Then Ali points out that he’s brown-ish and that people used to be intimidated because he looked a bit terroristy with his beard and scraggily hair… now people just think he’s a white hipster since he isnt that dark.
Have bearded white-boy hipsters effectively co-opted the image of terrorists for themselves?
According to experts, we reached “peak beard” already. It’s a dying trend.
For the study, researchers asked 1,453 heterosexual or bisexual women to respond to 36 photos of men’s faces. They found that, when women saw hairy face after hairy face, they began to prefer clean-shaven men. Trendiness would appear to work against the beard’s sexual appeal. Science has called it: It’s all over, beardies.
As the popularity of beards spread, it became harder to identify the beard of an authentically style-conscious, creatively employed hipster-leaning man. At first it was just beard and the wrong kind of ironic T-shirt. But it quickly escalated. All of the sudden it was: You have a beard, but you prefer Phish and not showering? You have a beard, but you didn’t just score a Color Me Badd record from an antique vinyl fair? You have a beard, and you actually live in the wilderness? No. It is too much. We’ve entered the dark ages.
I’m one of those ‘patchy’ guys based on gene’s or some shit. It doesn’t look super great grown out. I can however grow a pretty creepy mustache if asked nicely enough.
What’s funny is you get compliments for having a beard. In essence I am getting a compliment for doing nothing. “your laziness looks fantastic”. Now if I throw the handlebars on, holy crap I’m now a rockstar.