I’m starting a winter beard club on facebook for this coming season. hopefully will have a gathering at the end with beer and awards. They’ll be a charity component to that event, but this is mostly an excuse to be manly and awesome.
they’re too hardcore for me. I’m just a tourist trying to do a little something with friends and friends of friends and maybe making a little money for the dog rescue.
I don’t follow this trend at all, I always have a beard though. Growing it longer is just meh. I’d rather just dump a bucket of ice water over my head…
i actually treated myself to a beard for a 2.5 months this summer to prepare for the cold conditions in the mountains while on my last chopper trip.
my g/f hated it.
then i shaved it into a handlebar mustache.
which she hated more.
There is still something to be said about the long beard but clean cut up top look. Unfortunately, I don’t have a boss that agrees with my opinion on facial hair so I’ve kept it at least trimmed as of late.