winter beard club

I’m starting a winter beard club on facebook for this coming season. hopefully will have a gathering at the end with beer and awards. They’ll be a charity component to that event, but this is mostly an excuse to be manly and awesome.

here is some classic inspiration

We have the buffalo beard and beer social club. It was started by someone on this board I believe.

I have a year round beard, but it is not crazy like the preview pic of that video.

^ @BIG_E did I believe.

Yes big e did. The club has been a bit lacking lately because people get busy…

anyway. I think I’m not going to have a beard anymore. So popular now. I think I’ll just grow.a really powerful stache.

Someone told me that my beard was trendy the other day. She is lucky I didn’t punch her.

It genuinely is though…

I posted this in anther thread:

Peak beard has passed. Grow one at your own peril. :slight_smile:

and mustache’s arent trendy?..

nice… I expect this will be more of a rochester thing, but I don’t want to exclude my good friends here.

they’re too hardcore for me. I’m just a tourist trying to do a little something with friends and friends of friends and maybe making a little money for the dog rescue.

“Winter Beard Club” sounds like a movie mashup of brokeback mountain and the stepford wives…

lol. my thoughts exactly.

So wait… being clean shaven… not by choice… is cool now?

(thanks dad)

I don’t follow this trend at all, I always have a beard though. Growing it longer is just meh. I’d rather just dump a bucket of ice water over my head…

i actually treated myself to a beard for a 2.5 months this summer to prepare for the cold conditions in the mountains while on my last chopper trip.
my g/f hated it.

then i shaved it into a handlebar mustache.
which she hated more.


I always wanted a real pedophile looking beard, but after a certain length it starts to annoy me and I trim it.

There is still something to be said about the long beard but clean cut up top look. Unfortunately, I don’t have a boss that agrees with my opinion on facial hair so I’ve kept it at least trimmed as of late.

Who cares what’s trendy, do what makes you happy.

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