winter beard club

I had one before it was cool, I’ll still have one when it’s not. I’m also lucky that my wife loves the beard.

I went to a fu manchu the last time I shaved, and my wife said I looked way to pervy, so I went with a john waters after that… Turns out she preferred the fu manchu. :shrug:

You can never NOT look like a pedo with a John Waters mustache

Unless you look like Clark Gable, or George Clooney.

Somehow they’re still dreamy.

Clark Gable, if he wasn’t a movie star would look sketchy as shit. George Clooney, just looked silly with that thing.

Charles Bronson >>>

Joined both groups, not sure if I can last all winter without this beard driving me nuts

This. I’m already eating my mustache occasionally.

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You can trim that shit…I can deal with the mustache for all of 30 seconds before wanting to murder a horse.

lol …but wait, why murder a horse? A cow would be less wasteful…
My 8th grade homeroom teacher had that issue… She was always chewing on it… Ahh Mrs. Adams…
Seriously though… I always go for the “Fuck it, too lazy to shave” look… Just until it gets to that itchy phase. Then I shave right before my psychotic break.