Do you love facial hair as much as I do? If so read this

So I lately I’ve been watching Whisker Wars. its a show on IFC about beards and moustache competitions and the like. Well There is a national beard team.
Beard Team USA. I am thinking about emailing the president and asking if I can create a local chapter for fellow beard and moustache wearers. I have like 5 people interested in doing this hoping to get at least 10 or so to get the ball rolling.

Beard Team USA is all about “Beards and Beer”

This is completely serious.

Matt, I <3 you bro… but idk what to say about this :rofl

Maybe its because I don’t understand due to my inability to grow facial hair :’(

haha i know alot of people look at me funny when i mention it but its has a HUGE following.

Does pubic hair count if I trim it like a beard? Theres no shortage of that :rofl

Gross. But no just facial hair.

I want a nice long waxable stache really bad, I just cant tolerate the dirty mexican transition period…

No shave November…

only if you glue it to your face afterwards

does the perma-5o’clockshadow count as a beard, cause if so, i’m in

Any facial hair.

<-- Mark Wahlberg ‘Shooter’ Beard Grower Extraordinaire

I know that you know, that I know that you know, what I mean. :rofl

FUCK dude. If I was still local I’d be so in.

Why stop at facial hair.

I have a good mustache going.

id be in for this! death saw me over the weekend…nothing impressive, but still a beard lol

Everyday is no shave November in my world. :lol

Face hair ITT

Facial hair: Hijacked by hipsters.

Thurman Munson Forever.

i love a good beard.

Is there anyone serious in here about it?

I’m jealous of a good beard. Mine grows darker down near my neck so it just looks like a ferocious neck beard. Also do mutton chops count as facial hair?