Do you love facial hair as much as I do? If so read this

Yes they do

I hate hipsters.
Fuck growing a beard because its cool and trendy, I do it because Im lazy as fuck and hate shaving.

I can’t grow a full beard… doesn’t come in everywhere… :frowning:

Same :cry:

We should start a babyface club :rofl

Got a chest like a rug…


This guy. I started growing a beard in highschool because shaving sucked. I didn’t have a trimmer and couldn’t afford one either though, so when it got super unruly I just shaved and started over. Disgusting in retrospect. :lol Lets me know I’m a real beard man though. :ponder

i just enjoy the life of a bearded hermit…not much else to it.

possibly down for this let me know the details

Working them out as week speak will update when info is available