beat an mr2

my buddy got an mr2 today(non turbo). but anyways we were hanging out at sheets in moon and a couple friends came in and said that we should run. i got a late start and he had 2 car lengths on me. i got into 2nd and started to gain on him. when i went to shift into 3rd he was about 1 length on me and i missed 3rd. about halfway through 3rd i was next to him and by the time i was in 4th i was a nice bit ahead of him. it was a close race and fun but im glad i got the win. then after we went back to sheets and he was making excuses like “i was only shifting at 5000rpms. i woulda smoked youuu” and shit like that. i said if he wanted to win so bad he wouldve brought it up.

Good job beating a 16 second Na car.

locations… read the forum rules!


I can walk the 1/4 faster than my sisters NA MR2

tell her to sell it to me!

nice kill.

N/A MR2 is poop. but Burnyd’s was definitely worthy of a run…

im not sayin i got a 10 second car. im just happy i got a kill

well fuck in that case how would he like to lose to my jeep??

wasnt it sams GIRL FRIEND u beat and it was her first race, she was shifting @4900

this one time at bandcamp…

Don’t u two have a mall to go hangout at?

who hasnt beat an MR2. fawwwk


he has beat his meat in a mr2

I think thats the only time I have ever had the t-tops on.

that thing was weaksauce… but its a girl…:naughty:

i swear the next time i hear you say weaksause your gonna get a nice slap in the face.

weaksauce. now stfu NoOb