I met some new people at the Low key event at Beave run today.It was nice meeting u guys.I had a blast but im as red as a lobster.Anyways I took like 70 pictures and a few videos.I appologize in advance because some of the videos shake more then others.There were bugs everywhere all day and i was trying to swat them and film at the same time.
My opinion of auto-x has changed. I dreaded thinking about it from previous experiences at NP. My buddy just grabbed a E46 M3 so we decided to spank the cars today.
I HATE the northpark autox for a few reasons:
1.) You have to be there at 8:30 for drivers meeting on a sunday
2.) You get 4-5 runs in 8 Hours! No way to justify standing around alllll day for 2 minutes of seat time.
3.) The entire course is on a sideways grade
4.) Most of the time the course is to technical - repeating many portions multiple times
5.) By the time you learn the course in your 5th heat/run the day is over
Beaverun experience:
I dragged my ass out of bed around 10:30am. Got there at noon. Paid my money and got about 15-20runs within 4 hours. The course was FLAT and not as technical as NP. Overall I think this is better for someone who isn’t as serious in competing, but getting seat time.
Ya i think u were driving that time.i was hopeing i caught that shot…cause i was looking through the view finder and i saw smoke.My noobskills some how captured that shot
Iv never been to north park before but so far i love Beave Run.and ur right its easy to get 15+ runs in a day.
O ya if anyone wants a full resolution picture of there car from my photobucket acccount let me no.the resolution i was shooting at was 2816x2112(6mp).
That breaks the two up perfectly. If you just wanna run your car to see what it can do, head to beaver. If you wanna compete, head for North Park. To be honest that was one of the more open beaverun courses. Trust me they will toss in a tight one every now and then (tighter than anything NP has ever done), its painful lol. Still its all for fun, next one looks to be April 30th. Dunno if I’ll go up or not, but week nights are cheaper and have a smaller turnout usually for anyone interested.
lookin good bro, use that setting i gave u and follow the car. just so it doesnt seem like it is frozen in time. Quality wise ur on point, i’ll have mine up from NHSCC soon
Thanks.i didnt have much time to mess with the settings so i used a preset and will never do that again:(…the ISO went up on its own and i spent 45 minutes trying to remove noise out of like 60% of the pictures i took.
registration closes at 9:30, drivers meeting is usually at 10:15 or so.
can’t really argue this. depending on course and turnout. Yesterday we all got 6 runs and were done by 2:30, then there are times when I haven’t got home until 5:30 after only taking 5 runs. It’s hit or miss at NP.
yep, the camber of the lot is, um, interesting to say the least.
the designs have started to change to be more open but it all depends on the co-chairs.
I tend to like the way steel cities runs heats at beaverun. you get 3 runs in a row. tires are warm, course is fresh in your mind. If you get an nhscc membership though, you can run north park for $15. That’s not a bad price.
Keep in mind that the Low-key events are different than regular auto-x too as far as competition. Part of nhscc and steel cities events is preparing you for regional/national events.