BeaveRun low key auto-X 9/23

Had I great time!!! Im looking forward to the Saturday event I think Im bringing the Bar-B-Q to that one.

I’ll be out of town on October 6th, but looks like next one for me with be 27th, at least as far as Saturdyas are concerned.

It was really nice to finally meet some more pittspeed folks! I had a great time and will be out as often as I can!!!

It was cool seeing some new faces out! Thanks for coming up and saying hi, that should have been my job haha. Hopefully we get more runs next time and I can handout more rides. I think I’m gonna email Chris and see if he’ll let me do Saturday Oct 6th’s course. I wanna build something a little faster, void of all the really tight stuff.

LOL Those circles were a little crazy! Ya think? ! ? ! :smiley:

I went to PRP, but plan on making an autox appearance before teh snow falls.

Gotta question: Where can I pick up a cheap Snell helmet?

just google snell approved helmets. found mine for around $60, sorry I can’t remember the site name.

Hopefully a little more well marked!!!

If you don’t have one come race time, tell them when you pay at the gate and they will hook you up.

Okay. Hopefully they won’t run out. :rofl: