Beck Specific: Recommend me a bike.

Not going 100mph eh? Didn’t even last till the end of the thread.

You would never be able to. Unless your real last name is Rossi.


Beck, buy my goddamn bike, it’s old, it’s quick enough, you’re gonna dump it and you wont feel bad because its 19 years old.

yamaha PW 50 what lol

u can buy my R1 for $6K

Get a goldwing,thats the perfect bike to pimp ho’s on.

seriously??? lol :wink: why are u selling it???

from a first time bike buyer (2months ago) i’d say get an older 600. you’re going to be too afraid of a newer bike to ride it right. i’ve been babying my bike and i feel my learning curve is skewed because of it. i’ve been very cautious on it, which isn’t a bad thing, but i def. dont feel as comfortable on it as i think i should be, if that makes sense. the way i spend money though, i knew if i bought a $1500 bike to learn on, when i had the $3000 i wouldn’t have been able to afford a nice bike, so i bought this one. honestly i wouldn’t think twice about buying aaron (bialecki) 's vfr. it’s a pretty good starter bike, and doesn’t look horrible.

as for size, i wasn’t crazy about the size of the tank on the gsxr. i did like the f4i, and the zx6r, but thought the r6 was perfect for me and i’m not too different of a build from you.

that’s what Harleys are for.

i’m not going to give my take on this whole thing because no one ever likes listening to other peoples past experience or admitting they might know something. i’ll just say im in the same boat with walter and coldaccord… and yes 98% of riders will never truely outgrow the true potential of a modern 600.

i agree pw 50… but im sure ull get alot of guys beeping at u

… long brown hair waving in the wind
… tight girl jeans
… 115 body


do it up man.

you cannot control your car, what makes you think you can control a bike?

I bought my lifetime dream bike in 1995. Brand new Harley. Gave it up after 5 years. Could not enjoy riding any longer. Drivers do stupid shit, and a biker dies. If you think it’s worth the risk, then go ahead and take your chances. Buy life and disability insurance, and get a will. Good luck, you’ll need it. My $.02

my friend has an 03 ninja 500 with 4500 miles for 3500. that’s a perfect starter bike if you ask me. it’s mint too. never dropped.

When your in a car/on a bike you have a completely different(feel of) control of safety, I have ridden on bike(my uncle owns a few) and trust me it’s completely different. Sure I have met Adam and we’ve shared our differences but he’s not a complete idiot and we all make mistakes. He made a mistake once and it almost turned out really bad I would hope thats enough to make anyone realize that if it can happen with 4 wheels it could obviously happen with two. Theres been alot of great advice from members with alot more experiance than myself so i’m just gunna leave it at that. So the car/bike comments are completely irrelovant in my opinion, just buy what you feel comfortable on and make sure you take the course and be safe.
all I have to add, I myself will hopefully be doing the same thing next spring not as my starter bike i’ve ever ridden but as my first actual bike i’ve owned.
Good luck with everything bro, and like I said just be safe and buy something you feel your comfortable on.

When you first drove a car, you drove like agrandma too.

If you are an ass clown in life, you will be an ass clown regardless of what you are driving.

theres a gsxr 600 for sale on here, let me know if u wanna go check it out ever

that tattoo is going to look great with road rash all over it.

beck, you’re going to die

just thought i would let you know

Don’t buy anything. Take the MSF course first. After the MSF course, shop for bike.

It may not make sense now, but it will make sense later.

MSF saved me a trip over a guardrail and into the river.
never look down while turning…

that and you would not believe how stupid people in cars really are.
riding a bike changes the way you drive a car.
If you expect the worst out of people, you will be ready when they try to merge into traffic while you are right next to them…
riding between a car and panel truck on the 33 is not fun.
neither is almost getting pushed of the GI bridge as idiots merge.

there is a reason bikers ride with steel balls, or large nuts, or stones in their pockets.

I started on and still have a 93 FZR 600R.
definatly not the fastest bike out there, but it works and ins. was $100/year.