Beck Specific: Recommend me a bike.


i belive you 100% beck that you wont be stunting or assclowing or any tricks…but i do belive within the first month you have it over 100… lol i said the same thing ans withing a month and a half i was topping my bike out @ 165.

your really dont even feel it being Crazy fast until 125-130.

Just be safe man…

gotta agree with joe… wind out the first 2 gears and your doing 100 plus… do i think you have it in you to be reserved yes, do i think a 600 is a bad idea, not really… but i think honestly that gpz 550 on here would be a worthwile investment to ride for a month then jump on a new 600… i do not recomend you buy brand new… but its too easy to go 100 mph and not think about it…

i can honestly say that my right hand, the throttle, and my motorcycle are the reason my driving record is as blemished as it is… but i wouldnt have it any other way… be safe, let me know if you want me to go with you when u check out a bike, id have no problem looking one over…

nah thats not 'till 180 :wink:

Beck, buy my bike, it’s a Honda, it’s a 600 and it’s as old as you.

There are plenty of sportbikes that will do 100mph in first gear.

And like I said, don’t be hung up on the displacement.

There are plenty of 600cc class bikes that would make GREAT starter bikes. Like I said “There are many flavors of good beginner bikes. None of them are ridden by Mr. DiSalvo.” If it’s a cruiser, or a sport tourer, or something else, an even bigger engine might not be a worry.

Heck, you could even argue that a Gix1k would make a better starter bike than an R6 because the power delivery would be much smoother. Lack of smooth is what gets you in trouble, and a modern sportbike is plenty twitchy out of the box.

And on top of that, there is absoultely NO need for a supersport on the street if you’re just going to cruise, why not save the money, and insurance, and gas, and get something that suits what you want? All it’s good for is bench racing and growing your e-cock on the intraweb, but that does sound like about 50% of what you are basing your decision on right now.

And on top of that, bikes that would be considered a good “starter” bike are going to hold their value, and sell just as easily when you move on to your next bike because there are tons of people that want them. They aren’t depreciating like a rock falling of a cliff, and they aren’t going to take a huge dive in price if it tips over and gets scratched.

when i first bought my bike i was affraid of the power…but then i got used to it…and taking it ona onramp to a highway it is hard not to accelerate upwards of 140… i try to stay away from wheelies and knee scraping corners(kinda)…its all about you know how much power you can access by the flick of a wrist.
Oh and by the way…basic liabilty on a sportbike for a 18 yr old is 488 a year for me… for comp. it was 1000 a year and collison(which is fucking stupid cuz if you lay the bike over or hit somone and its your fault…i dont htink your going to want the bike back)

the reason i am selling mine is i bought a new car, but i love my fucking bike, its amazing,chicks dig it too. just be careful, theres been more than a handful of times where i have came close to being 6 foot under.

thanks for all the input joe & walter

i’ll prolly end up living out in the sticks here in NC eventually… only then would i feel remotely safe getting a bike

and i’ll def start out with a small starter bike & the leathers if i ever do

i doubt i will, i love cars, don’t like the idea at ALL of riding here in wilmington, don’t have a lot of $$ on a teacher’s salary… but i learned a lot in this thread if i ever do go that route. :slight_smile:

What makes you think that you won’t become bored with anything you purchase?


I talked with you earlier, so im not gonna draw out what i said earlier, but something like a honda f3 or f4, late 90’s zx-6r, any 600 style bike is a good idea, especially this time of the year. I mean you can get a pretty solid f4 and put a slip on and a few cosmetic stuff on and i think you’d be very happy.

I started out on a 600 last year and rode all summer and i was content. Upgraded newer this year and i love it. You will be fine on a 6 if you dont act like a show-off and ride with some responsible people. Maybe take the course too.

Like you tell me, i wouldn’t know what to do without you <3 kiss <3

there’s a nice pink and black hayabusa at Bert’s in orchard park going for 17k. i recommend that.

I don’t agree with growing out of a 600 either. There is so much more a 600 can do than the riding ability of a lot people who “upgrade” out of it cant make use of.

600s are also efficient. great on gas at low rpm’s, then around 8.5 (on my bike) it starts to scoot, then by 10.5k you’re right up there, and have another 5k rpm to go!

6’s are also nimble so you can really thow em around

I’m not saying those with bigger bikes are bad, I’m just saying there’s a lot to a 600

You wiped out a FWD honda hatch cause you got cocky with it…Don’t get a bike till you mature.

^ couldnt agree more :tup:

edit : coldaccord’s post

Wiping out a car, is much more different than wiping out a bike.

I wasn’t worried about wiping out the car, and i figured it out the hard way.

With a bike, I know its easy to make mistakes, and I will obviously be much more responsible with that.

It has nothing to do with maturity, in my case.

I may act like an ass hat, but i sure as hell don’t drive like one.

Don’t be mad, cause I will be faster than you :wink:

no turbo, no care


You got over confident with a car you didnt own that long…you will do the same thing on a bike…you will push it through something you think you can handle after a few months and fuck your self up…

I know/knew a lot of people who have wrecked bikes…and fucked them selfs up or died…

Do what you want…If I were you I would wait…

ah man, i knew this was coming at some point…

But i pushed a civic, with a considerable more power than it was designed for.

With a bike, I won’t be pushing it more than what it is designed for.

Get my drift?

The only concern i have is how i won’t be able to smoke while riding.

But if theres a will…theres a way.

Yeah if you dump while merging onto the 290 on a bike 25% chance of walking away is overly optimistic.

If all you want to do is look sweet buy a helmet & a jacket and pay willybean to stand next to his shit in parking lots

But shit, if you want an R6 go for it

You get few second chances when it comes to learning your limits on a bike before you go down. Learn to ride on an older bike, sell it for minimal loss to someone else who wants to learn and pick up a “more” fun bike @ the end of the season this year for a better price