beer on sundays

:blue: :blue:

dammit just post the article

Now You Can Buy Beer On Sundays
Rendell Signs Legislation

POSTED: 2:43 pm EDT July 7, 2005
UPDATED: 2:45 pm EDT July 7, 2005

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Overnight, Gov. Ed Rendell signed legislation that allows you to buy beer on Sundays.

Beer distributors must obtain a $100 annual license in order to participate.

The license allows them to open between noon and 5 p.m. on Sundays.

The law goes into effect in 60 days – just in time for Steelers season.

I like beer…

Beer is good…

Beer on Sunday is better…

Drinking Straub on Sunday with naked Coors Light Twins…Priceless


why,u showing us ur twin D’s?:x:

Getting milk isn’t enough… you want to see them too?

I do that, so noone calls BS


straub, thiers a different taste right thier. :beer:

:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Bout time PA got with the program. Now I can drive up to Washington on Sundays to get a nice case of microbrew from Capelli’s.

some bars/clubs sold on sundays, so its not really a big deal. but it expands the searching for them.

yeah i was just talking about this with the guy that owns the 6 pack shop! good news for us!

It’s about time.

Whitey, is that the 6 pack shop behind Trivia Pub? How is that place? I haven’t been there yet.

you bitches still have to go to a bar or distriburor. :greddy:

yeah someone cant figure out, the 1 stop convience store :rolleyes:

I know that shit sucks I use to live in Salisbury MD and Charlotte NC and you could buy beer at any gas station or grocery store. When are they going to pass a law saying you can buy beer anywhere in PA!!!

You can anywhere in Pa, Just certain locations :kekegay: