Beheading video???

lol hey i seen it once, you’re the one who wont watch it

im glad i just sigend myself up for nightmares woooo…why does curiosity get me every time


Fuck, look at this one as well


holy shit i thought they were gonna chop that things head off too… thank god it didn’t happen


holy shit i thought they were gonna chop that things head off too… thank god it didn’t happen


wtf is wrong with that things eyes??

the second video is the devil. i watched it but hell if ill watch the first one again lol. even if its not as clear because i seen the bigger clearer version


wtf is wrong with that things eyes??


stop changing the subject and watch the first video you pussy


stop changing the subject and watch the first video you pussy


haha fuck no, ive seen too many of those fucked up things in my life and they creep me out.


haha fuck no, ive seen too many of those fucked up things in my life and they creep me out.


lmao… i feel you bro… I’ll watch it tomorrow with the wife…NOt by myself.


haha fuck no, ive seen too many of those fucked up things in my life and they creep me out.


this will probably put the others to shame

i believe it, thats partly why i dont want to watch that shit right now lol


this will probably put the others to shame



U dont give up do ya…lol I hope cookie monster eat your ass tonight.

stop being a pussy jojo and watch the dam video


stop being a pussy jojo and watch the dam video


edit: ohh damn

I like the “I miss the cold war” heading. Thats how its done out there. Cant hide for long.

Yeah I’ve seen that. Seen a few of the beheading vids from Iraq too. These guys just take a fucking pocket knife and saw the dudes head off…pretty fucked up. Doesnt bother me though. I am an EMT so I am totaly desensetized (sp) to blood and shit.


That sounds disgusting, why would you want to watch that?


Yeah, no shit!

that’s a nice image to wake up to today. uck.

Oh dear, well so much for breakfast.

just got done watching both clips… fucking sick.
I think the bulldozer thread was


just got done watching both clips… fucking sick.
I think the bulldozer thread was


Bulldozer clip? What did that involve? Do I really wanna know?