Being poor makes you stupid too.

Cliffs: Low income kids have much lower brain function than their wealthy counterparts, difference is roughly equivalent to having a stroke.

Yet poor single mothers will continue to try to raise the kid on their own and end up fucking up everyone’s lives. There’s studies that show that being poor makes you fat, too. The newman mockery trifecta, all interconnected.

probably just bad genetics from poor/dumb parents.

Idiocracy was the most realistic futuristic movie I’ve ever seen.

Or you can say that stupid people who are bad parents and do no teach their children good habits in school are also poor decision makers in life that lead them to be poor…

Seems like a vicious cycle to me.


It took a Cal-berkeley study to tell us stupidity starts genetic and is only facilitated through the super duper social and physical surroundings of these people…

Is that why poor people eat gravy for breakfast?

Who would have thought that pringles aren’t brain food…

And this is a surprise?

It would’ve been a more interesting study if they took identical twins and had one stay with the poor family and adopted one into a wealthy, well-educated one. Then they could distinguish genetics from surroundings.

an even better study would be how many poor kids will fit in a burning boxcar.

lol. terrible.

“Though the effects of poverty are reversible, children need “incredibly intensive interventions to overcome this kind of difficulty,” says Susan Neuman, an education professor at the University of Michigan.”

So, what? Forced sterilization for all below a certain income level?

What if being stupid is what is making them poor!


well, being stupid probably makes their parents poor, then they pass on those winning genes…

Maybe rich people should have sex with more poor people?

that happens all the time, but it’s illegal in most ares.

maybe rich people should be stupider about having sex and poor people should be smarter about it.


I don’t find this surprising at all. When my daughter was born we had done all the reading and knew all about how the first few years of a child’s life are so important. That time when their brain is developing is the time that will make the most difference for the child later in life.

Rich families will generally have spend the time and spend the money so the child gets that attention they need while their brain is developing. It’s amazing stuff when you really start looking into how a brain develops and the things you should be doing to help with the process.

What I’d like to see is a study that does brain scans of the children of rich and poor families shortly after birth. I’d be willing to bet there isn’t nearly the difference as their is by the time the kids are 9 and 10 like in this study.