The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

[ame=“”]The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - YouTube[/ame]

i wonder why our country offers all these programs that help the people that are dumb?

they give money to young dumb parents, they give money to new imigrants that dont know anything, they give food to people who cant get there own food, etc.

this hurts our peoples evolution. if you get more for being disabled or dumb we will evolve into dumb fucks.

it used to be only the strong survive. but now we feed the dumb and let them live easier. now they are breeding more than ever. making more stupid people.

think of it like this how many smart people you went to school with have kids?

now how many dumb fuck ups have kids?

usually the smart person waits to have kid. dumb fuck pushes them out. so more and more dumb people everyday created.

im not saying this is true but please watch this and lmk what you think. i want to know your opnion

So now you have proof that stupidity is genetic? Jesus what the fuck are you doing on this forum with your millions then? :lol

Alex Jones…:rofl

FYI, we are still using imperial measurements while the rest of the world have moved on to metric system for 20+ years. May be we are doing that so our foreign enemies can’t sabotage our infrastructures because they brought metric wrenches…:rofl

If abortion was legal everywhere there would be a lot less kids from poor parents.

What do you suppose the dumb/poor will do if there was no support? Sit quietly in the corner of the house and die off or proceed with doing anything they can to survive including robbing/stealing/other crimes.

I love the fact that you think you’re so smart and you see the big picture, yet you never think a step beyond of what a YouTube video says and take everything at face value.

Irony is that you’re the star of your own movie but fail to realize you might be that one gazelle that’s falling behind the herd which you’re describing above.

Oh god, Alex Jones? I didn’t even catch that.

Nobody allowed to use him as a source unless you also post 3 other things he was blabbing about in the last decade that never happened.

He goes by the theory of “if you throw enough shit, something will stick”, true even a broken clock is right twice a day.

stupid may or may not be genetic. but usually the dumb parents raise the kids and they fuck up somewhere in there live that effects someone else.

i dont have millions i am poor.

i dont think i am smart at all. thats how i know you do not know me. i am dumb. i try to learn something everyday. i research everything from turboz to politics. i like to read most things. anything from a crazy bums theory to someone building something i have never seen intrest me. i should write a autobiography or hang out with you before you can say what i am. other than that i dont see where you build the mystical picture of pitman in your head. i am a poor boy with dreams. just living everday as it comes.

and for the movie thing your my director so hopefully you win director of the year. lmao

yes alex jones lmao. some things he has are ok but most of his stuff is out there. i was shown the video i dont search alex videos. i watched it and thought wtf ill post this on shift and hear some of the peoples opnions. i find i can releate to car aficionados more than the make up fourms