For those who care: Why USA overall competitiveness is decreasing

Just wanted to share an article about some statics and not intended for it to be another shitstorm for single line bashing post about parties, who and what.

Full article here:

One theory heard a lot these days is that the economy is burdened by excessive government regulation, interference and taxes. Cut them, the Republican candidates all say, and the economy will be unleashed.

It’s a compelling picture, but the data simply do not support it.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a study last week measuring tax revenue as a percentage of GDP. Of the 30 countries studied, the United States came in 27th. Taxes are low in historical terms as well - the lowest since the early 1950s.

The Kauffman Foundation, which looks at the level of U.S. entrepreneur*ship, found that in 2010, 340 out of every 100,000 Americans started a business each month. That rate hasn’t changed much in the past few years; it is only slightly higher than in 2007, before the recession. Regarding regulations, Bloomberg News has crunched the numbers and found that the Obama administration has not reviewed or issued significantly more rules than its predecessors.

Or look at competitiveness. The World Bank publishes a report that looks at “Doing Business” across the globe. The U.S. ranks 4th in the world. The World Economic Forum does an annual ranking of overall economic competitiveness. The U.S. ranked fifth. In both these rankings, the countries that score higher are tiny places like Singapore and Finland, with populations often at 5% that of the United States.

And these rankings have not slipped much over the last decade. So where has there been change? Where have we slipped?

The answer is pretty clear. Only five years ago, American infrastructure used to be ranked in the top 10 by the World Economic Forum. Now we’re 24th. U.S. air infrastructure has gone from 12th in the world to 31st - roads from eighth to 20th.

The drop in human capital is even greater than the drop in physical capital. The United States used to have the world’s largest percentage of college graduates. We’re now number 14, according to the most recent OECD data, and American students routinely rank toward the bottom of the developed world in international tests.

The situation in science education is more drastic. Even with the increase in college attendance over the past two decades, there were fewer engineering and engineering technologies graduates in 2009 (84,636) than in 1989 (85,002). Research and development spending has risen under Obama, but the basic trend has been downward for two decades. In percentage terms, the federal share of research spending - which funds basic science - is half of what it was in the 1950s.

source: CNN

No argument in the conclusion at all (fan of F.K.), but one quick note. If the World Bank report is the new one that I read a few days ago, the comparison was only with growth rates, not actual GDP growth. Smaller, newer, “more developing” nations will often have higher growth rates than a mature economy. I didn’t see actual GDP growth in $$$ in the same report which I would expect would be a different can of worms. Found that part of the article misleading. Carry on.

As I’ve said before it doesn’t matter who’s in office, bigger picture is grim.

This doesn’t even touch on manufacturing jobs or just good old fashioned manual labor stats such as farming, carpeting, construction etc. All of those are now regarded as second rate jobs as everybody wants to go to school and sit in an office, physically producing nothing, but as a country we need road workers, farmers etc.


There is no market for the jobs, they are all overseas. They are second rate jobs. First rate jobs use your brain. We might have a better market if our policies and unions didn’t force jobs overseas.

Easy to fool the common reader. Make the data appear as they want.

Second rate or not we need somebody doing them.

Too many thinkers and not enough doers gets the country sitting and thinking how shitty it is instead of doing something about it.

How are you going to outsource infrastructure and construction jobs again?

By the time a union guy graduates instead of going into debt for 4 years in a college for a major that is either saturated or hires for $50k a year at best, they will have money in the bank with similar pay instead of being in debt, with job security.

The problem w/ the thinkers vs. doers argument is that it will really come down to parenting and schooling of a child. Parents and teachers tell children that the jobs to get are the relaxed office type jobs and you gotta go to school, then college, do well, etc… BUT when it comes down to it, all that it really does is convince people they’re better than what they really are. You get the kids that think they deserve the world JUST because they went to school, and that after all that hard schooling everything should just come to them.
Schools are prolly the worst culprits of shaping a child’s mind IMO.

Schools and parents are ruining this generation of children. They tell the kids that barely get by that they can still do anything. They tell kids they don’t wanna be garbage men or landscapers for the rest of their life, that they need college to get a good job as a doctor/lawyer/etc… They don’t tell their kids that doing those types of jobs are good enough and can still make a comfortable living. They also make it more appealing to the kids because kids think that working in an office is cake compared to say, working in a manufacturing plant. Sure you’re not doing the manual labor, but you still do a lot of thinking that some kids just can’t do.

/KK type rant

I agree with you we do need them. We shouldn’t be spending tax payer money on helping the student loan program, let the private sector loan them money. We should stop funding college for any tom dick or harry that want a college education. A lot of state money goes into that when it could be cut from taxes, helping the economy so people can actually hire the real college graduates.

The biggest problem with education in America are the parents. 100%.


Not everybody needs to be in college, especially considering from my experience half the class rarely shows up in between the test days. (too hungover perhaps or busy playing modern warfare)

More time should be spend saying that there are other careers available which aren’t necessarily inferior, just different.

I would kill myself being locked in a cubicle all day.

It seems that now, its either college or “loser” according to parents. Forget the fact that a high number of graduates move back home because they didn’t learn anything, their major is either useless or saturated and they can’t pay off the loan and live on their own.


Solid rant Cossey. I agree 100%. The problems start at home and then the school system does very little to remedy the issue. Our school system is absolutely terrible in my opinion. Its repetitive and almost remedial at times.

I don’t think its wrong to push your kids to be better than a factory worker. I think ambition is good. Greed is good. I think parenting when the kids are younger and preparing kids to properly handle school and be analytical thinkers is what will help people do better not throwing money at the school system. I think its important that, while parents push their kids to achieve more, they also work towards what the children want and what will make them happy.

Good rant and I agree.

College isn’t for everyone, there’s plenty of people who made their fortunes without a credit of college experience. For the people that do decide to go to college it is paramount that they pick a degree field they can actually use in the real world. If you want to piss away $100K on a degree in poetry or womens studies and are surprised you can’t get employment after graduation don’t protest at Occupy Wallstreet because it’s nobody’s fault but your own.

I know several people that didnt go to college and have better jobs and are making more money than people that went to college.

I really wish I didnt go to college and wish I had gotten into some kind of career/apprenticeship right after high school. Im just thinking now about how I couldve taken a plumbing apprenticeship that somebody I did some side work for wouldve gotten me into if I wasnt already enrolled in college. Never something I had considered wanting to do but I probably could be making good money doing it. Instead I went to college and now Ive got 2 useless degrees and work at a shithole dead end job.

I couldve had a sweet car with the money I blew on 3 years of college and thousands of dollars worth of tools for college.

Every thread like this on this forum turns into a NOT EVERY HAS TO GO TO COLLEGE sermon. No shit. But the OP was about global competitiveness, not “I know someone who didnt go to college and he’s doing pretty good.”

There is a old saying in the mechanics world . where a blue collar education , fixes a white collar fuckup . Long story short white collar and unions are what’s crippling this country . We are lazy , granted I’m a grunt doing manual labor but I couldn’t do a desk job . There once was a time where u could be proud at your job but not anymore . U can say I’m wrong but ill say it till the end , this country weakens every day to the safety hippies and tree huggers. No disipline at home makes kids little fuckin punks , no family structure etc .

anyone else noticed that Rocketpunch posts something awesome, comments on it like 3 times to state his opinion on it, and then leaves?

Anyone else notice that some people have jobs where they can’t be posting their opinion on Shift all day?

<this guy can’t be on all day

even I cant go on during work. I usually just go on here for a few minutes before work and later at night for a while when I get home. Since its the weekend and today I didnt have much to do Ive been on alot more.

I think I can sum this all up pretty easily…

If you’re not a entrepreneur then fuck you, blue collar mentality in a white collar world.