For those who care: Why USA overall competitiveness is decreasing

I completely agree with this post and nearly every other post you make

sadly i should be able to say that about alot more people and can’t which means we’re fucked lol

Regarding kids, home, schools, etc.

Let me just say this. Maybe I’m old fashioned in my opinion and have a different opinion on stuff because of that but…

Kids are taught everything is okay these days.

Gay? That’s okay.

Can’t sit straight? That’s okay…we’ll call it ADD/ADHD.

Divorce? That’s okay. It’s normal and acceptable.

Government assistance programs with loop holes? That’s okay.

Not to mention all the crap kids can see in movies, games, and TV…

And then you wonder why the education system is failing or why there is no family structure, kids are punks/disrespectful/lazy/etc.? Half the nation is divorced and that includes probably half of the people who mold our childs minds. An increasing number of them are sexual predators, etc.

This country is going down the crapper. Quick.

It absolutely starts at home…but unfortunately most parents are working crazy hours to buy little Johnny a $500 iPad because he wants one. REAL BAD. They do this while also having to pay for $60 games for Johnny and $100 Uggz boots for their daughter. People don’t live within their means. They want more, more, more, more. And then you have all the other high costs associated with life in general, etc.

My kid will get a swift slap upside the head if he asks me for a stupid gift like an iPad. I didn’t have a nice car till I was 20. I didn’t have a cell phone till I was 19. I paid for my own school. I busted my ass as an intern with no benefits for nearly 3 years before I caught my break.

Kids are spoiled and each generation is getting dumber and dumber because of that.


Its like Adam Corolla says, its the first wave of the “everybody gets a trophy even if you suck at baseball” generation and everyone thinks the world should be handed to them.

EVERY generation says this about the next generation, the world is always getting worse and it’s always the next generations fault.

Hard to pinpoint but I believe this is a huge factor right now. Believe it or not unsuccessful children are more closely related to having only one parent as compared to race, or socio-economic status. Having quality family values with 2 parents is a huge step up for children. Not to say its impossible to raise a child on your own successfully but there are factors there to be looked at.

Agree 100%. Having both positive male and female role-models in a household is very important in developing the skills you will need to flourish in society.

I also blame the media (Internet, TV, Radio, etc) for glorifying a thug mentality and broadcasting more shows than I can count about the lives and excess of the rich. The “work hard for what you want” mentality has been replaced with " I deserve what I want because I want it" mentality.

Agree with you guys completely.

As others have said and I said…it starts at home.