U.S. Tumbles Down Global Ranking Of Competitive Economies

Don’t worry, most people don’t even know where those countries are so it can’t be that important right?

Our street cred is dropping by the minute, something needs to be done.

GENEVA — The U.S. has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world’s most competitive economies, landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government, a global economic group said Wednesday.

The announcement by the World Economic Forum was the latest bad news for the Obama administration, which has been struggling to boost the sinking U.S. economy and lower an unemployment rate of more than 9 percent.

Switzerland held onto the top spot for the third consecutive year in the annual ranking by the Geneva-based forum, which is best known for its exclusive meeting of luminaries in Davos, Switzerland, each January.

Singapore moved up to second place, bumping Sweden down to third. Finland moved up to fourth place, from seventh last year. The U.S. was in fourth place last year, after falling from No. 1 in 2008.

The rankings, which the forum has issued for more than three decades, are based on economic data and a survey of 15,000 business executives.

The forum praised the U.S. for its productivity, highly sophisticated and innovative companies, excellent universities and flexible labor market. But it also cited “a number of escalating weaknesses” such as rising government debt and declining public faith in political leaders and corporate ethics.

The results of a survey of 142 nations comes a day before Obama is preparing to tackle jobs issues in a speech to the U.S. Congress, and just as U.S. polls show a clear majority of those surveyed say they disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy.

Switzerland held onto its top ranking, the forum said, because of “continuing strong performance across the board” with innovation, technological readiness, even-handed regulation and having one of the world’s most stable economic environments.

Germany, Europe’s economic powerhouse, was sixth, followed by the Netherlands and Denmark. Japan came in ninth, and Britain was 10th. France was 18th, and Greece, saddled with debt, fell to 90th.

The report looked at broader trends: While the U.S. slipped, emerging markets gained traction. China took 26th place, highest among major emerging economies; Brazil was 53rd; India was 56th; and Russia was 66th.

“Fiscal imbalances that have been building up around the world are really a danger to future competitiveness, in terms of the ability of countries to invest in those things that will be very important for competitiveness going forward, things like education, infrastructure and so on,” said Jennifer Blanke, an economist with the forum.

source: huffingtonpost

Don’t worry, nothing will be done.

One side will blame the other, news will report on crisis in this country, useless bills that “please” both sides and the 3rd party of big businesses will be passed with plenty of ear marks to make sure nothing changes will be passed.

Government officials will seem like they are doing something and will be paid their good money, business will be happy because they won’t be affected and not a damn thing will change as we keep going down.

Things are good up top so they don’t feel the need to fuck with things overall.


Edit: Just to please 90% of the forum, obligatory joke.

Black man becomes president and America loses credit :rofl

Jewish president next?

It’s OK. American’s don’t want to compete with the rest of the world. We’re just the best.

I’m surprised we are in the top 5