Being poor sucks

The title should be self explanatory. I’ve realized this for a long time but not till you’re really poor does it sink in. I’m currently looking for an additional job so I can eat next week. Anyone have any ties with a Home Depot or Toys R Us or something along those lines for part time work in the evenings/weekends? I need something local to me (Rochester/Beaver Falls) so I can actually make it there on time after my regular job. I want something with not much customer interaction and steady physical work.

talk to my gf and play video games

Sign up for the free tv. Get the free tv. Sell on ebay. Profit. $300 in yo pocket!

are they hiring there? I applied at the EB near me and have not heard from them. I’d work in Cranberry but wouldnt be able to get there till 6 or so. See if she can hook me up.

they are hirring for someone to work now until xmas…i will talk to her and ask

That would be excellent. If she needs me to fill out an app or something I will do that tonight. If she is just curious I can work 6 - ?? M - F and all day weekends.

well she gets off at 4 or something like that today…i will talk to her and get you the info


yes, being poor does suck

I bet 75% of pittspeed prob makes more than me heh

everyones definition of poor is different, i feel poor cause i make next to nothing

that’s pretty much the definition :slight_smile:

being poor is not having gas and trying to look for jobs / interviews / odd jobs …

try UPS… they should be hiring seasonal helpers about this time of year… i know i’ve gotta call up see when i’ve gotta come in for my uniform this year

ahhh, thanks for reminding me. There is a distrobution hub right here in town even!

OMG dude give it up if nobody signed up for it yet, i doubt they will. To many people think its a scam no matter what you tell them.

probably closer to 85-90%.


BTW - It’s not all about money.

That my definition, becuase im poor too. Schools a bitch.

Shit, I wish I was still in school sometimes. My parents helped me out back then. There is also much potential for extracirricular money-making opportunities on campus. And you can eat in the bistro and have it charged to y our ID and once again parents put $$$ up for that.

Shit, maybe I need to finish my degree!!

Eric, any word on the EB situation? I was gonna call you last night to remind you but I ended up having alot of company stop over.