Benign Coital Headaches

Anyone ever get these?

I’ll explain, its basicly a headache that is caused during sex, generaly right before, during or after an orgasm and can last quite a while.

The first time I got something like this was 2-3 years ago… Happend right at climax then went away after a minute…

Happend to me again last year… couldent have sex for a couple days because it would start again…

Happend to me again a few days ago…except this time is was probably the worst… started to go away came back again the next day… Ive had this headache for the past 3 days

Anyways for me it feels like someone sticking something in the back of my head on the left side like right in the middle… its one of the most awkward feeling things thats ever happend…

You gotta breathe man.

Thank the lord, no. Not even sure what to say.


Bakarian I guess a lot of people tend to get them at least once… well at least from reading little studys and shit… Its nothing serious just an inconvienance…

Doesnt happen all the time…

What the fuck ?

Why would you post this on here , you know it’ll be blown up beyond control.

Probably not.

and I’m serious shady, breathe dude. :rofl

It’s a penis, and obviously, some dude likes the back of your head…:retardclap

I do breath… a lot…

im a fat fuck I cant be holding mah breathz

LAWLING in real life :rofl:rofl:rofl

youre probably doing it and not realizing it, next time you’re having sex give me a call and ill stare you right in the face and point out when youre doing it.

Word, can we eiffel tower de bitchez while you watch me :excited



Lotta gay ITT

especially now that you’re here timberlake

Got one a couple of years ago. I likened it to my head being run over with a dump truck for several hours. Wasn’t fun.

shits crazy right…

I thought i wa sjust fucked up but a few of my friends said its happend to them to…

Your like OMFG IM GONNA>>


I am over9000 years old and what is this

:rofl Jelous?

never get those headaches, thankfully

Fizzle the girlfriend said it would be fine for you to come over and watch and point out when im not breathing correctly.