I have an STD

For months I have been experiencing increasing pain in the rear of my head everytime I would laugh really hard or move my head around too much. This past month, however, has been the absolute WORST and it has gotten to the point where I went out to Dapp’s the other night and almost fucking passed out from the pain coming from the back of my skull. And it was a damn shame because I was having a good time, but I had to leave because I simply couldn’t tolerate it.

And before you go calling me names, it’s nothing like a migrane or cluster headache. The pain is about 100x worse, and is so bad that I can feel the rear of my skull swell up and create an almost pocket of fluid in the rear of my skull that you could actually feel.

I then saw a rather lame commercial referring to brain tumors/cancer a few days ago and immediately thought about what happened a few nights ago. So, I headed to my doctor the other day and here’s the conclusion that we came up with:


They used some sort of colored x-ray machine (which was actually cool as all hell) to confirm the condition. Basically the machine uses heat and physically shows how the back of my brain is pushed down on the rear of my skull. Fucking gets me all tingly just thinking about it, and believe me when I saw it on the computer screen I nearly shat BRICKS. :rofl

However it does have some upsides (according to the MD’s). One is a vastly improved ability to concentrate due to the way your body aims your head higher than normal because of the way that part of the brain controls balance. So my head just kind of floats up there and stares straight ahead. When they put that theory into words I kind of laughed because it’s true and pretty cool if you ask me. :lol

Lastly they taught me some neck/shoulder exercizes I can do pretty much anywhere to help ease the pain when I do experience it. Other than that there isn’t much else that can be done, aside from surgery which has insanely high risks and isn’t worth getting IMO.

So there. :clap

sounds intense…glad your ok :thumbup

i thought this was gonna be another TT thread haha came very close to not clicking:rofl

that sucks

dumpy skullz

so i does it burn when u pee?

can they fix that or are you stuck with this for life now?

They can attempt to fix it with surgery, but it’s incredibly high risk and there is a great possibility that it won’t even fix the problem. I don’t want to die lying on an operating table because that’s fucking lame.

It’s not bad, I mean it doesn’t happen ALL the time so I can deal with it. Unlike PJB and his truckbed surprises.

Are you contagious?

how do you deal with something like that? is there medication to take the pain away or what?

Yeah, advil. :lol

I’ve always had it, even as a kid I remember getting the pains. I just deal with it and don’t bother taking any prescriptions.

At least your penis still works, every once and a while.

You have no idea how badly I want to cum in a girls’ face right now.

  • eleventy billion:number1

In, wow… thats taking it to a whole new level. :ahh Thats a power load right there.

RED DRAGONS!!! Little jason ellis drop right there.

I’m going to school later tonight to celebrate my friends’ roomate’s birthday so we’ll see what happens. :lol

I believe she untied the knot with her bf about a month ago. Perhaps she can untie the knot in my urethra that’s holding back all this man juice

:rofl good luck man

I had a headache once. It sucked.

It went away.

i was in a car accident when i was like 9 and messed my neck up pretty well and i have insane headaches on the regular…

combine that with the fact that i am an expert on everything, formula for headaches like u can’t believe

Is this Shady on Singh’s screenname??

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl