Bennyfizzle's dicktone 318i build thread.

It was wired when I got in there.

Is there really a ‘wrong’ way to safety wire something, obviously it could move more than if it were at the opposite angle but it’s sure not going anywhere.

I think I see some loctite dried to the threads too, which is cool.

Do work son!

What ever happened to this car? Did he sell it or is it in a barn somewhere?

I actually just saw benny doing some engine work

^^ I hope this thing is gonna be done soon, I’ll even lend a hand if I gotta.

hey my car ran tonight, literally just need to tie up a few ends and I officially become better than you

this car has raised my blood pressure like 14 points in the last 6 hours.

doing this shit for the first time primarily by yourself sucks lol.

big thanks while I can to Tom, Pete, Adam, Jesse, and Jon for dealing with my whining when i fuck up/multiple big favors from you guys, it means a lot.

had some annoying setbacks tonight, but im determined to slide this thing at the valley on saturday.

hopefully you will be there friday when the drift event is going on

Although it’s nearly ‘neutral’, It’s safety wired correctly.

You can absolutely safety wire something backwards. For example, if the loop that is around the sproket was at the 12 o’clock position, the wire would be doing nothing until the nut got WAY loose.


That’s what I mean, its a reverse thread (clockwise is loosen), so it can move clockwise and loosen up a few degrees before the wire would be under tension. Or am I missing something? …It’s late…

toss a small tack weld on there and this will end the debate

Your original post said it was right hand thread, which is not reverse thread. However, if it is reverse thread (which I call left hand thread), then yes, it’s safety wired backwards.

Horrible idea.

Whup, meant left.

lots of people have tack welded their nut, but never being able to remove the sprocket seems dumb to me.

I see no reason for that, but I’d def install the safety wire correctly.

That I’m not worried about, there’s PLENTY of tension on the wire now, and the nut is tight and I can see some loctite ‘crustiness’.

new oil pan gasket is set, and the pans on, I’m not worried about it at all.

just need to get the pilot bearing out, and I think I have to buy ANOTHER RMS…I’ll check on it tomorrow.

OEM setup w/o safety wire has a history of backing off and killing motors. People like overkill solutions I guess.

LOL, you do realize that if the nut loosens, that tension will go away, right? The whole idea of safety wire is for the tension to remain/increase as a fastener loosens.

ok so it might loosen 10*at most, it’s not going any further than that. Keep in mind I did not do the safety wire. It was done by Turner Motorsport in 2004, and it’s tight enough that I can’t visually deform the wire in any way. It’s definitely not not weighing heavily on my mind all thing’s considered.