Bennyfizzle's dicktone 318i build thread.

I usually dress it up in a scarf and winter hat as a matter of fact.

That was you!?

Never fapped so hard in your life before have you?

he came twice actually, ask me how I know

Still in the hospital.



oh god that’s way better


-Oil pres/h20 temp gauge
-stake rear axle nuts
-front end body panels

all done, plus i put the rear adjusters back in w/o any collars to raise it up about a 1/3". Yeah, A THIRD.

tomorrow I will:

-install clutch line
-bleed hydraulice
-fill trans
-fill motor with oil
-fill motor with coolant
-drive it through clifton park open header
-get arrested


oh yeah:

so sick!! i don’t like bmw’s that much but i’d so drive the shit out of this thing.

Just cranked, gonna fire it up tomorrow and maybe take it for a rip open header.

Make sure you bleed the balls off the coolant system so you don’t cook the head.

Looking good though :slight_smile:

Oh and $20 on when you toast that rear diff again :rofl

You can keep the $20 for filler rod when you have to weld me an open. :rofl

and yeah, I’ve bled these stupid cocksuckers a few times. the fact that i know I will have to drive around with a gallon of distilled with me for like a month is dumb :rofl

I really should have opted for a different reservoir setup, I’d like to do a canton like jesses next.

Bleed once, do it right, never open cooling system again.

Whens this one going into a solid non-movable object?

not possible with the oem reservoir and you fucking KNOW IT MOTHERFUCKER