Bennyfizzle's dicktone 318i build thread.

Wash the car ya turd LOL

Sunroof delete is leaking, needs MOAR WINDOWELD

LOL join the club

Fucked up thing is I sat and hosed the thing down for like 10 mintues yesterday and it didn’t leak a drop. Then today driving in the rain it was dripping right on my FUCKING NECK

just use some caulk and be done with it, fuckin amateur

wtf? windo-weld is the industry standard in sealing windshields, hence my using it. I’ll stick with that DAD.

IDK how it could leak, there are no bolt holes right? just the opening for the sunroof?

well when the delete panel is in there’s a 1/4-3/8" gap around the whole panel because you’re supposed to remove the felt gasket. and before you say I should have kept the stock gasket in, it’s not waterproof, hence the sunroof drains. so you basically have to seal the panel’s gap where the gasket is now missing.

it’s just pinhole leaks, I found the holes with a flashlight a minute ago, no big deal, it’s just where my first seal job was a bit too thin after i smoothed it out.

You should of left the gasket in


I should not have. :shifty

shut your whore mouth or I’ll take off my belt again. Windo-weld is the industry standard in gluing the windshield, caulk is the industry standard for sealing shit. Plus I figured you would prefer to use the black caulk as it can fill bigger gaps…

Edit: and you should have kept the stock "gasket’ as a filler and caulk on top of it, didn’t you learn anything from looking at my POS?


with how hard it was just raining Im sure any cracka assed installation would leak. Especially one done by some stoner in his driveway after work on a hot day after he has smoked 2-3 bongs worth to his head and then eaten 4-5 freeze pops

I don’t have a working freezer :frowning:

Also, no pots to smoke.


Get your fucking landlord to fix that shit or turn im into the state. Working refirgeration is mandatory in all apartments in NYS unless the apartment never supplied appliances when you moved in

If I were on the lease it would’ve already been done mayn.

Hey, have you ever thought about leaving the gasket in there?

I’m going to blow out your gasket.


fuck that shit