Bernanke & congress

I find this video a little funny and thought I would share it here.

The most powerful man in America.

lol. Allan Grayson is awesome.

I love that video, he is so full of shit. You can hear it in his voice, and see it in his body language…he’s sweating bullets. I also love how most media ignored this clip…but I did see it a bit ago on glen beck the all evil faux/fixed news…still dont get why the anal rapping of fox news on this forum.


Give the guy a break and let him do his fucking job. He is smarter than you. I would be nervous too if a bunch of people who the vast majority of had no experience in my field, were able to put me on trial and harass me about the way I do it. He is forced to make the tough decisions and one side inevitably loses for each one, just like the President. Ron Paul and his merry band of teabagging idiots started this thing where it’s cool to hate the Fed now.

Who said I was smarter than him?

And why be nervous? This is your job. You basically know that you dont have to awnser to anyone, for the most part even the government. This is one little ant questioning you and your nervous as hell.

The fed has been questioned way longer than just ron paul. He has just brought the issue to front and center as best as he can.

And if you think Bernanke is the sole decision maker for the fed your a retard.

BTW I bet your one of these people who think since the wall street journal said the recession is over and its all over the news, it really is right? Never mind that our retail sales are down about 8% from last year and home forclosures are still increasing.

The wall street journal is full of shit. And this irrational rally in the stock market is due to manipulation by the big players like GS and JPM.

Yeah I cant even believe that was said. Sure some good news out there would help the general economy but wow where did that come from?

You constantly attack the man yet you seem to know nothing about his intentions or his experience in the area, or about our founders experience with fiat money. This isnt the first time fiat money has been used, its not like we invented it just because we need in this day and age. Our founders advised against fiat currency and fractional reserve banking because they have dealt with it first hand. Also why is it wrong to disagree with and protest government? One of the fist principles of a free society is to be able to disagree with or even overthrow the government if it becomes to controlling, it is stated in our declaration of independence that we have the right to do so.

Alan Grayson Man Of The Year!!!
Oh wait, wut, well I knew it was one the guys in the video.

Alan Grayson is the man. But Helicopter Ben is the man of the year.

Ron Paul has been questioning the fed since the early 80’s…if not before that. This is nothing new.

If there’s nothing to hide, I don’t see why it’s such an issue.

-its expensive
-it undermines their authority
-it would be done by people who don’t know anything about the subject.

So there should be more govt control/regulation over every other aspect/business of the US, but not the Fed? By people who know nothing about those subjects? That cost more money? That undermines their authority? K, got it.

I wouldn’t have a problem with them auditing the fed if they wanted actual auditing firms to do it. They want congress to. Everything Congress gets its hands on ends up politicized.

^^Joe works at a bank.