Best Area Beaches?

What is everyones opinion of the nicest beaches in the area. Canada also.

Give me the details of those ones as well.

sunset bay is nice :slight_smile:

Wildwood beach at Sherkston was the best one I’ve been to locally, but haven’t been there in a while. I went to one of the other beaches at Sherkston a couple of years ago by mistake and it was terrible. We didn’t realize until we were leaving that we went to the wrong spot. :bonk: The water is a decent depth there (not knee high like it is at Crystal Beach) but if I remember correctly, you would be wise to wear some aqua shoes (Get 'em for $6 at Dicks. Totally worth it.) as there tend to be alot of rocks under the water. Usually alot of hot girls there. Even some thongage.

The public beach in Hamburg is not too bad, but expect alot of trashy girls there.

Beaver Island is decent if you don’t feel like driving very far, as long as the seaweed isn’t in season.

Crystal beach is nice except for the shallow water. Madd hotties there. Since the water is not over your waist, that can present a problem… :lol:

How much does Sherkston cost to get into?

Sherkston sucks for these reasons:

  1. Expensive rate just to get in
  2. Strict alcohol policy
  3. No one goes there any more (they are making it more family orientated)

Crystal Beach is the nicest because:

  1. Its free!
  2. There is more attractive girls there than anywhere else, Sunday at 12pm is crazy for ash + tit-tays, ash and tit-tays
  3. The water is calm, and shallow, but really nice (not a lot of dead fish like sunset)
  4. Nicest sand, thick and pure and they comb it every morning
  5. 10 minutes away once you cross the peace bridge
    —Only problem is this year they started checking coolers for booze

Sunset has a nice bar right on the beach and is more party-orientated, but it is hit or miss there. A lot more dead fish, and the sand isn’t as pure.

  1. Not too expensive, but I don’t pay
  2. Alcohol policy isn’t that strict you just need to hide it
  3. You been there lately??
  1. its like 40 bucks a car if you don’t own a place there
  2. never had a problem, but they do check
  3. It’s not like it used to be!

I was at crystal yesterday, it was packed. They do have someone checking coolers but just put all your beers in your backpack, and put them back in the cooler when you get on the beach or something.

so would crystal beach be good for me to go skim boarding?!

what no google earth pics?

I’ve only been up there on Sundays really, as that’s the only time my schedule allows… but good amount of people, Sunset Bay Beach Club :beer: