the title says it all im getting my probe running and wanted to know your guys opinions???
you are? i haven t seen the motor get touched for almost 6 months
buying parts car tomorrow f**ker you already knew that and besides your one to talk about getting stuff done mx6 mx6 mx6 mx6 mx6 mx6:jerkit:
get a room fags
as long as your wife will be there :blue:
stop down
is there a ticketing system that i could possibly get in the queue?
gotta drop my old lady off at 1:00 and then i’ll stop down
why she’s just cuming here anyway!!!
yeah i’ll drop her off and take your wife
electronic = greddy spec ii
manual = ebay special (about 15 bucks)
but she wont take u !!! :tool:
i hear there’s a turnstile of some sort…
greddy spec II sucks balls. that has to be the worst boost controller ever made. the profec b(old style) is probably the nicest u can get, if u can find one. that and the apex’i AVC-D boost controller.
worked for me… the profec a sucked ass (fuzzylogic) and the b worked fine… the spec ii just has some lights and other features that aren’t worth using… but it was decent… dunno.
i’ve messed with a bunch of the spec II’s and i really wasnt a fan of them. the profec b was super easy,i had one in the eclipse. also i agree that the original profec that had the fuzzylogic was stupid. i like boost controllers that are super easy to use. but then again here i am with the AEM EMS boost controller and my head is spinning, but i am gonna figure this thing out, just because i like the look of no controllers inside my car.
the aem unit is def the way to go… increased tuning from all aspects… it’s more of a piggyback than just BC… i’d take a greddy over the hks unit though…
personally if it’s just for boost controlling and you’re trying to save money, just get a ball and spring MBC… cheapest / easiest way to get the job done (as opposed to just adjusting the wastegate)
ive owned both… greddy profec I and II…
so far i heard a few stories about real high boost issues… where the boost wouldn t hold up high [1320’s] on the spec II
i like the spec II because you can t just bump settings… and people don t know how to change the settings… unlike the spec I… kids/friends like turning n\knobs…
the solinods are way different… the spec one i thinks a dual soliinod to where the spec II is a single small unit…
basically i think that greddy got cheap on the spec II … the unit weighs nothing at all… just looks cheap… lights up like a mofo… i hate blinding guage/toys…
but i have the spec II… i have a chance to swap someone but just said fuck it…
clarification, i think 1320 ruled out that it was the boost controller and actually a boost leak that was the issue