Best Buy Employee Auction Site

jhusvar ATTT gmail dottt com

Thanks man.

All PM’s replied to and emails in here taken care of…

if i missed you, PM me again

MikeRi24 at gmail D.O.T com

Got my invite…

Looks pretty good.

Thanks man.


kthx <3


i was hoping someone would find it as funny as i did.

sweet! thats a lot man!

Holler. Thanks much. :tspry:


olp9pm @ gmail [dot] com

tommarks -at-

ok so how does this work, cause it wants an employee number and stuff i don’t have lol

really? you WORK at best buy… you can sign up yourself… but whatever

Just be careful with what you buy. I won a 60gb ps3 from the site for 290$ before the holidays…after shipping and tax it was almost 350$. Also check and make sure you can’t buy it new on ebay for the same price. Thats why i stopped even looking- most of the stuff after the shipping charges make it almost the same price as buying it new.

But when i did have a problem, they were pretty reasonable about getting it resolved (the ps3 looked like it was dropped, the one corner was cracked/separated and the chrome bottom piece was MIA)

Just a heads up.


if you could send one more, my buddy here would use it more than I…

the 60gb is going for ~ 500 right now on ebay

since its discontinued it is the best PS3 you can get that does hardware emulation of ps2 games…
