Best Buy

Well here is the story.

I was mobilized for Iraqi Freedom at the start of the war in 2003. While I was mobilized I saw that Best Buy was carrying Alienware computers on special order. So I had my mother go into Best Buy and order me one.

Well I went to the store to take it in for repair Wednesday that’s the 24th of November since I purchases the 3 yr extended warranty.
Well I did not have the actual receipt for the purchase but I brought in my credit card statement for the purchase. Well they told me I could only get the warranty work done only if I had the actual receipt from the purchase. So I tell him that I was mobilized for the United States Army for that period and did not have the receipt in my posesion just the credit card statement for that month and that that I am only home till Friday morning and then I am going back to the middle east. Well then he tells me I quote

“ its not my problem that you were stupid enough to join the military”.

Well after that I ask to talk to the manager about the problem and the rude comment that was made. So he gets on the phone and calls the manager. After a few minutes I ask him if I am going to get to talk to him about this. So he tells me the manager says he cannot do anything for me. So at this time I am pretty irate so I ask him again if the manager his going to talk to me so he starts that bs saying he cant come up he is busy blah blah blah. So I stop him in the middle of that and said it’s a simple answer yes or no…then he just tells me to have a nice day and walked away.

I am just glad to see the support that we get from Best Buy

sorry for my rant

best buy life insurance shouldve told him…

which best buy? call corporate… thats all you have to do to get by that shit

Mcknight Rd

thats complete bullshit

Even if you’re against the war you dont go telling OUR SOLDIERS that they’re stupid. that guy should be fired.

you got to be fcking kidding me? I give you mad props not flipping the fck on out him. I would have. I couldnt even imagine me going to the store with my boy (in the war now) and telling him “ its not my problem that you were stupid enough to join the military”. I would lose it, I would def. call corporate

I’m surprised you remained so calm…I can’t believe someone actually said something like that…really shows how some people have no class and no clue…I would of ripped his head off. What’s wrong with the PC?

call corperate those assholes are pricks. I won;t buy any big stuff from them especailly after my cell phone puchase a few years ago. Asshole got shitty with me because I didn;lt buy the 3 year extended plan. Then we was like well then technically I can;t sell it to you. I was like your full of shit ring me the fuck up. Go the phone called sprint amd evidently they were having a bunch of problems with them like that. I don;t know if they still deal with sprint but around that time that happend sprint told me that They were getting ready to pull their shit out of best buy because of multiple complaints like that.

Fuck those assholes.

they can print out a receipt using your card #. i’ve seen it done at best buy.

yes and no… put technically they have to have all the hard copy daily reports which he would be listed on. so if he calls corporate then he should be able to find it from the daily report

well i sent a email saying what happened

if anyone wants to send a email to Best Buy to try to help the link is

also my info is

Eric M haas

and the product was bought and tried to return for service at

Mcknight Rd store #585

thanks for anyone that can try or help

if you really want to get this taken care of, just call nationals and ask for them to pull the records for that day. you will get your receipt number that way. we had to do this a few times when i worked at CC

i am going to do this tomorrow…but i am pissed at the comment and the lack of help for the day…

also i brought in my credit card statement from that month showing i purchased the extended warrenty and they said not in the computer …and i will have to pay for it

i used to work at a Best Buy
and you can pull up all the records of extended service plans up on there computer system


the management down there is pretty piss poor, i had problems with “free” installation on my dads xm radio

much props for not grabbing that guy by the throat and killing him

hah… i used to be a sales counselor for CC… before they laid us president’s club folks off :frowning:

I work at the waterfront best but,

they can look anything up

Dear Sir or Maddam,

A friend of mine, Eric Haas, was at your Mcknight Rd location in Pittsburgh, Pa to have his computer fixed under warranty. Unfortunately, he did not have his original reciept since he was in Iraq for Military Duty, and was not in the U.S at the time. However, he did have his credit card statement declaring his purchase. A very rude associate told him that the repair could not be made due to the fact that he did not have his original reciept.

I am a manager of a retail store and I understand the policies and procedures that company’s follow. I also know there is such thing as an electronic journal that can pull up a customers information, and that his reciept could be duplicated for the use of his warranty coverage. HOWEVER; My friend was told by the associate that “It was’nt my fault you were stupid enough to join the military.” Not only was this completely out of line on the associates part, but what was even more discouraging was that when requested, the manager would not speak to my friend.

Needless to say, myself nor anyone i know will be shopping in your store…EVER again. The way Eric Haas was handled as a customer (especially with a large purchase such as a computer) will now be in mind when I am searching for merchandise such as that as your store carries. The best way for a company to advertise, as you may know, is through word of mouth. I heard this from him, and I will continue to spread the word.

In a time such as this NO ONE should be speaking badly of our military…especially a military that is protecting our country and its resources…including large retail venues like Best Buy. The freedoms you enjoy like owning a business such as yours are due to the U.S military.

While I understand this situation was not my own, it is still disturbing to hear of them. I suggest some type of disciplinary action be taken against the associates and management team of the Mcknight rd store.


Matthew Eichenfels
