So yeah…basically the wifey and myself were looking to purchase a brand new TV…we were standing in front of the TV we wanted for 20 MINUTES…not kidding…20 fucking minutes and no rep came to help us.
So then we proceeded to walk out the door and headed to Circuit City which they helped us right away…and :tdown: for BestBuy for loosing a $3000 sale.
What did I learned? Not going to this BestBuy ever again for my electronics need…they suck
Word. I bought a surround sound system from them. I was standing there waiting for a while and no one showed up, so I just grabbed someone and said, “Gimme that thing NOW”
I have had the exact same thing happen to me at circuit city. Its really hit or miss with anywhere you go. I blame the stores for not letting them make commission anymore, they dont try for the sale, instead the sales people get a % if the customer buys their BS service contracts.
oh ok. Fuck that man, you left that part out. do the right thing :tup: pics?
yup, that’s a lot of it too. i had a chick at a cingular kiosk talk me out of a SLVR and 2yr plan b/c she was too lazy at 8:30pm to work a sale at the blvd. can’t blame her then, i guess…
but then i got a plan and got my shit the next day :tup:
Best Buy also overprices a lot of things, besides their crappy customer service. A friend of mine once had to go to their customer service desk and while being attended, the clerk and an associate were swearing at each other over personal matters.
That’s the same reason I go to Home Depot instead of Lowes. I bought a ton of fencing there and nobody even thought to help me load the 6’x6’ sections into my cart. So that got me in a bad mood to start. Then I get to the checkout and my gate didn’t have a UPC on it, so the punk at the checkout looked at me and said “Uh, I’m going to need to see one with a UPC.” and he just looked at me and waited, totally expecting me to go get another gate because their product wasn’t tagged proerply. So I looked him right in the eye and said “OK. They’re against the back wall” and just stared at him. After a couple seconds he got sorta flustered and got the hint and went to get the gate.
It seems like customer service in general just gets worse and worse. Privately owned non-chain stores ftw…
meh… bestbuy is usually extremely busy as well… where as circuit is lucky to have 5 customers in the entire store at any given time.
everyone has good and bad experiences with everything… stores, cars, girls… whatever.
see what the return policy is at circuit… try playing a movie with a lot of dark scenes… if you dont like it… or you notice there’s no such thing as black… get an lcd projection… like the 42inch sony
nice buy! :tup:
yeah it is hit or miss with them…
when ive looked at certain things there before i had no one ask me if i needed help, but when i went to look for a laptop, one asked me, but he had no idea what he was talking about and just read the little signs with prices on them…i can read those too you loser…