Went and got the 52’ HDTV free deliv, 50 dollar gift card (FOR FREE!!)and 50 for direct tv.
Left my house at 4:30 to sit in like a mile long line at Best buy monroevile.
Papa Johns were giving out free pizza and coco, not that bad, was def. worth the wait. But if you go near a mall today be ready for some crazy shyt!

Picture below Little blurry but that was half way at this point, and the line went all the way around the building…

thats crazy…how much is the t.v. normally…arnt HDTV’s pricey???

the tv i got was already on sale for 1600 i got it for 899.99. Got the fre deliv. and the 50 dollor gift card because they didnt have one at the store. Getting it this sunday so with the gift card guy told me he would give me a deal with direct tv for the gift card (the guy who works there) and reg. they were like 120$? But i think I made out.

That and I think I was on Kdka like 5 times :dunno:

You’re a braver man than me going out today. We’re in Delaware and my will STILL had to go shopping this morning. I’m staying home with the kiddos!

:bluez28: :bluez28: :bluez28:

you stayed home to play midnight challenge.

yah just seen myself on kdka from da choppa

going tonight to get that same tv had to work today but the ad said prices good friday and saturday

i went to McDonalds and got a breakfast sandwich. It was the same price as normal and there wasnt much of a line. I dont think I was on the news either. Had to go to Wal*Mart to get a few little things too. It was a total clusterfuck, but i was in and out in under 10 cause I used the “Automotive” entrance and checked out at the automotive counter, where there wasnt a single person in line. :rofl:

when i was coming home last night at 1:30

there were people already line up at the Best Buy

Fuck that… I don’t go shopping at all unless absolutely necessary between now and Christmas.

um mike… did you forget to switch names?

Nope, that was me. I hate crowded Christmas shopping.

so i go to best buy to get the tv 51 toshiba ogrig 1700 on sale for 1300 and the guy there says oh we dont have any we cant get any and walks away … i said well that does not cut it what can you do for me… you advertised this item at this price as a 2 day special and its not even half way through the first day and you have none in the intire company… no way let me speak to a manager… not that i am really pissed but i liked that tv better than the 899 tv and made my mind up… the manager comes over and and i was like like what can we do… there was a 51 inch sony for like 1700 he offered to knock 150 off of i was like i really want a toshiba… so the only other one was the newest model 46 inch price tag 1400 why would i pay 1400 for a smaller tv when the 51 you have is on sale for 1300 so he ended up giving me the 46 for the sale price of 1300 … so i got a slightly smaller but much better tv for the same price…i know long story … best buy calls today to schedual delivery for tommorow i ask for a pm delivery because we both work and its tuff to take off of work the guy says we dont do pm in your area i said can you take it to the store and i will pick it up…no… so now i have to wait untill saturday to get the damn thing

do you need a tissue?

can you spare any :jerkit:

geeeeee i shopping thread on a car board with mostly men!:greddy::smiley:


No if it was me it would have said the following…

Fuck that… I don’t go shopping at all unless absolutely necessary between now and Christmas because half those people need to eat a bullet.


is it hdtv? cause i thought the paper said it was hdtv ready…